• 03-11-2022 •

30 0 0

I was outside walking. There were kids around and they were riding their bikes on the sidewalk, but the sidewalk had giant cracks in it. Through the cracks, you could see the drop. I would say about 8 feet down. The cracks started becoming gaps in the concrete. When I looked down into the drop, I saw smooth concrete walls that were wet. The kids on top were trying to jump from platform to platform without falling in. The ones that did fall in, landed eventually. I was also avoiding the gaps and then the platforms caved inwards. I fell but I wasn't scared because I was expecting it. 

When I fell, I saw other kids and adults in a group trying to figure out how to get out. We started walking down the long hallway, light seeping through from above. 

Eventually the scene changed to a kid's playroom in a public building. There were tricycles, large building blocks, and a chalkboard. Soon the walls and the floor start shaking. Everyone is panicking and saying it's an earthquake, but I know it's not that. It's water. In the distance of the tunnel/hallway, I hear loud waves crashing against the walls. We have to get out, it's going to flood. The water is slowly rising as it's at my ankles right now. 

We go to the main entrance of the building we're in. The building is some sort of rec center. We are all in the lobby and by this time, the water is up to my knees. For some reason, I'm not wearing a shirt, so I tell someone to go get me one from the sports shop. When they return, I put on the shirt and then I hear the waves crashing louder and louder. Outside, the water is rushing violently down the incline passing by, going to the left. We need to get out as the water is now to my chest. We have to break the glass windows because we can't push the doors open, obviously. A man throws a weight through the window, and we swim to get out. We all get out and that's when I wake up. 

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