• 06-23-2018 •

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I had two dreams.

> I was walking down this road and I saw a car parked under a bridge to my right. Walking up to it, I saw teenagers inside smoking out of a bong as they were hotboxing the car. I decided to join them.

> I was at this house and there was this family. The daughter was going into labor and her boyfriend was there to help. She gave birth to something unordinary. It looked like a triangular pipe, and it was dark green. I didn't want to see it anymore, so I went to the master bedroom and shut the door. I guess the weird baby object thing turned into a puppy because it was running towards me as I was closing the door. It's very hard to remember what all happened next. There was a curse on this family, and we had to find and do things to break the curse. The grandma was a big part of it. There was also blood involved as well as death.

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