• 02-05-2017 •

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I was with my cousins, and we wanted to go get ice-cream. I suggested that we go to Cabella's and Kyle (my cousin's ex-boyfriend) said, "Caballa's" in a sarcastic tone. We laughed and we drove there to get ice-cream. 

I got chocolate ice-cream with rainbow sprinkles, but their machines were being weird and acting up, so our ice-cream was runny. My sprinkles sunk through the ice-cream to the bottom of the cone. While this was happening, I was being rushed out the doors to go home.

As we are on the way to drop me off, Elian (an old friend) appears in the seat next to me. Then I see Tony (an old friend) getting ready to leave as he's walking out of his house. I say to him, "Aye! It's Tony!" in a New Jersey accent as I'm getting out of the car.

My cousins drive off and I go up to Tony's house. It was really awkward because I've never met his parents before. I stood outside the door and his mom noticed me. She let me in and I visited for a bit before I went home.

I went home and there was this kid banging on a green metal fence. I didn't want him to see me, so, I crouched behind a dumpster. When I crouched, I saw a kitten and I lightly tapped my fingers on the ground to make her come to me. She did and I swooped her up and made a run for it towards my door. I get inside as I'm out of breath and realize that my mom is in bed. I show her the kitten and I tell her about the kid outside. She said that he was mentally disabled, and it made sense. I went out there to talk to him about better strategies for releasing anger. I suggested rolling down hills and he agreed to do it. Now that the problem is solved, I went back inside to go to sleep with my new kitten. 

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