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Hello! My name is Raegan. As you may or may not know, I have weird and bizarre dreams. This book will be a collection of my dreams turned into short stories or me just explaining them in a fun and unique way.

I do keep a dream journal and these entries date all the back to 2015 when I was a freshman in high school. I am still currently logging my dreams, so updates may be sporadic and inconsistent, but I can assure you that you will enjoy them.

I will be using names in these dreams, so I will put in parenthesis who they are to me to help you understand. There will be some vague and some really in detail, but I will try my best to make them into something.  

I really hope you enjoy! Oh, and if you know me personally, there is a chance that you may end up in my dreams, so read to find out!

Let's dive right in!

Raegan's DreamlandWhere stories live. Discover now