Chapter 28 (Lexi)

Start from the beginning

         *Mia: She's from London. She's having a gallery viewing in a few months. She'd select some photos from our series to showcase in her gallery if you're interested. It's totally okay if you aren't. It was just an idea* She let me know.

A gallery...interesting. I haven't been showcased in a gallery before. It's good to add to my portfolio. *Me: Okay, I'm down* I let her know.

        Why not right? And if I'm being honest it isn't a bad idea to be around Mia in these next few months. She might be my in for getting involved in New York Fashion Week, and that's where the big bucks will come rolling in.

Actually, you'd be surprised. Very few models make very much during such a glamorous event, but it gets your name and face out there and it brings more work in for a model if they like what they see.

*Mia: Excellent. It's a little last minute, tomorrow?* She sent me a bashful emoji. That is very last minute indeed, but I don't have shit else to do, so again I said yes. She seemed genuinely excited about it. The girl is a bubbly one.

        Now I have to report to Boris that I have work tomorrow. He will absolutely be accompanying me. I hope Mia doesn't find that weird. She noticed Boris when we worked together last, but I told her my father was a bit protective and didn't like me traveling alone. She didn't question it, which I appreciated.

Boris doesn't say no to me gaining any sort of work. The only times he puts his foot down is all relating to men, as I've said before. Professionally I am allowed to work with men, it's in my personal life that Boris must always get involved.

Will it always be this way? When I'm married off will it mean I can shed the bodyguard and my father's rules, or will I just be under a new set of cuffs under my husband's orders? God, I hope not.

        When my phone chimed with a text message I barely looked at the screen when I slid the message open. I was obviously in the middle of texting Mia, so I assumed it was her. My eyes did a double take when I realized this was a different message. Mr. Rizzo himself.

*Anthony: Hey gorgeous, sorry about the other night. When can I make it up to you? Actually, I had an idea in mind, but I'm not sure how kinky you are Miss Lexi...not sure if you'll be down for it*

He was apologizing for the other night when he promised to fuck me all night, but got an emergency work call and had to leave after only one round. Well, one and a half. He'd gotten me off with his mouth again.

The man piqued my interest. I told him so and he laughed before he got to his real point.

*Anthony: Have you ever been to a sex club before?*

        Everyone is full of surprises today apparently. I'm not sure what I thought he'd ask, but it wasn't this. Have I been to a sex club before? Let's see...seeing as I was a virgin until a month ago I'm gonna say no, no I have not. I didn't word it that way though.

*Me: Nope. But it sounds like you have Mr. Rizzo. Are you suggesting something?* I teased him. But wait...if he asks me to go to one would I?

Thinking about Vitaly's arrival in two days I think I should enjoy the freedom of sex while I still can. It'd probably be the last time I see Anthony. And probably the last time I enjoy sex before becoming the pawn in Vitaly's game.

Shit. I'm always up for new experiences. Why the hell not?

        *Anthony: Let's just say this club is under the family enterprise. I'd love to take you there. See what you think of the place. Maybe bend you over somewhere and stuff my cock inside you. Who knows. Anything could happen* He told me. It made me kind of laugh.

*Me: I'm not a shy girl. Have I mentioned that before?* I asked him. He sent me a smirking emoji and I could practically see it on his face even without him physically being here.

*Anthony: Oh yeah? Does that mean the idea of public sex doesn't scare you off?*

*Me: I've never done it before, aside from almost getting caught in your car the other day with my pants down, but as you said...anything can happen* I teased him right back.

        A small thrill shot through me at the idea of him doing all sorts of naughty things to me. What does one expect in a place like that? I know how brothels work, but sex clubs? I'm not sure.  Maybe it's similar, but by those fancy tailored suits I always see Anthony in, something tells me this is a little more high class then that.

        Anthony Rizzo is such an intriguing man. He has a sex club under a family enterprise. And what exactly is that enterprise because it sounds like one of many things, and his mysterious backstory only gets more and more interesting the more I know about it. And it isn't much.

That's because neither of us have tried hard to know the other beyond good conversation. We seem to be on a similar boat when it comes to that.

My phone ended up pinging twice. One with a message from Mia and the other with a message from Anthony.

*Mia: Great, see you tomorrow morning then*

*Anthony: Perfect, tomorrow night? I don't think my cock can handle any longer than that at the idea of you saying yes to this*

Well tomorrow sounds like a busy frickin day. I said yes though. If not tomorrow I don't think I'd be able to fit him into my schedule before Vitaly shows up. Tomorrow it is.

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