xxvi. would you really rush out for me now ?

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"heya sev." you said, your smile warmed his heart and his day had instantly been made.

"miss l/n, come in please...i saved you a seat." he said as he gestured a seat opposite his desk, you approached the chair and sat down.

you brought out a small box, severus looked down at the box and opened it. inside there was two pots of blancmange, accompanied with some pain du chocolats.

"you know me too well professor l/n." he said as he sat down at his desk taking the dessert from the box and grabbing a spoon.

"its on me sev." you said, you took out the pastry from the box and took a bite, careful not to make a mess.

you knew how severus was with his class being a mess, it was enough that seamus finnegan had attempted to blow up the entire potions class again.

your day was much more tamer than his was, you were lucky that you were only teaching these kids the function of a rubber duck.

"how's draco doing? i've heard he's doing pretty well in your classes, though i can't ever get him to focus in my classes. any help with that?" you asked.

"threaten that his father will hear of his behaviour." severus bluntly said, you looked up at him surprised that he even said that without a single ounce of hesitation.

you playfully wacked him with the other end of the spoon, as severus let out what seemed like a laugh.

"i'm being serious severus...hah! get it, serious severus." you giggled.

"how likely of you to be so lighthearted with my name, you wound me with your words." he said.

"you're being overly dramatic again sev!" you rolled your eyes, and you couldn't help but smile at him.

had nobody ever told him that he undoubtedly had a good sense of humor? then again, nobody made the effort to make this much of an effort to be friends with him.

"you see mister malfoy is a bit of a puzzling character, he wants to learn and engage about the inventions of the muggle toaster." he said.

you giggled at his words.

"but you have to be firm but fair with him, he won't hate you for it but he'll understand...well, his definition of understanding." severus advised.

"if not then i'll have his father down my throat again...no offense to lucius, great hair, would most likely to steal his entire wardrobe if i have to but if i see him again-"

severus had almost choked on his pastry at his words.

you knew that there was friendly rivalry between you and lucius but you knew you were way out of your league and plus he was a married man.

"miss l/n, what on earth are you teaching my son? rubber ducks, toasters, mobile phones? this is absurd, i'll have you fired right this second, just you wait at the next meeting!" you mocked, impersonating lucius spot on, with the spoon in your hand acting as the cane he always carried.

severus by this point had been full on laughing and that made you laugh. his heart had been filled with warmth, as you shared this playful moment with one another.

"i'll tell him you'd be willing to take clothing advice from him at the next meeting." he said.

"oh god no! i'd die of embarrassment!" you cringed, letting out giggles here and there.

severus' tale ( snapetober 2021 )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें