xix. all my daughters

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it was your absolute dream to have a child one day. you felt that now was the time.

seeing the test for the first time, you couldn't believe that you were going to carry his child. it was still in the early stages but you couldn't wait.

you went downstairs to greet your husband who had been cooking breakfast, he had cooked a simple english breakfast for the both of you, but on your plate he had put lemon slices and chocolate syrup.

one of your recent bizarre cravings.

"good morning my dear." you said, wrapping yourself around him from behind and kissing his upper arm considering that you couldn't reach on your tiptoes.

"hello my dear." he kissed the top of your head and sat down at the round dinner table and placed your breakfast.

"ah yes, lemons and chocolate syrup, you've picked up on my cravings." you giggled as you took the lemon slice and ate it whole.

"how do you do this without flinching?" he asked out loud.

"the truth of the matter is, i don't have the faintest clue." you said, grabbing the chocolate syrup and squeezing it out of the bottle and onto your food.

you were talking about how you were looking forward to knowing the gender of the baby, you had your bets that it was going to be a girl no doubts. it had run in your family that there were more women than men and having another girl to the mix would make it complete.

as you finished your breakfast, you went and washed your plate, then you went and picked up a catalogue, going through the baby section. you went and rambled about how you would want their room to look like.

you weren't one to stick with the stereotypes, once things were fully planned you wanted to make sure that the child grew up with the things they liked and not force your idealizations onto them.

"oh we've got to get ready for work! come on sevvy!" you beamed, placing a kiss on his cheek before rushing to your room and wearing your chosen clothes, you snuck into severus' wardrobe and picked out one of his cloaks.

"y/n are you ready?" he called.

"coming!" you replied. you wrapped the cloak around you but before you could head out, you felt a gush of pain to your abdomen, you cringed slightly, clutching it as an attempt to soothe the pain.

you snapped out of your state, and opened the door. getting yourself together and arriving at the empty fireplace with severus, you clung onto his hand and you soon arrived at the school. you arrived at his potions classroom, you helped him out with preparing for his class.

"i'll do those darling." he said, taking the cauldrons from your grasp.

"i can still lift things sev, i'll be fine." you said.

"no my dear, let me help." he said, putting the cauldrons on the desk.

once his class was ready, you both had a moment together before you had to go to your own class.

"if you need anything, you know what to do." you said, placing a chaste kiss on his lips.

"don't go my dear." he murmured.

"these kids aren't going to teach themselves." you giggled and kissed him once more before you left.

"have a splendid day severus snape." you waved before going off.

severus' tale ( snapetober 2021 )Where stories live. Discover now