xviii. i never been so torn up in all of my life, i should have seen this coming

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"( NO ) MERCY"


"crucio!" voldemort chanted.

your daughter sapphire yelling out in utter agony as pain rushed through her body.

"sapphire!" you yelled, trying to at least get away from him. but severus held you back.

voldemort's laugh ringing through the hall as he let out another crucio curse on your daughter.

"let her go you piece of shit!" you exclaimed letting yourself out of severus' arms and trying to get your daughter away from the dark lord.

but that proved to be a big mistake, you dragged your daughter away from voldemort and to safety, in this case it was severus. the crucio curse landed on you, the pain instantly brewing in your body.

"mum no!" sapphire yelled, tears spilling of her eyes.

"a wife i didn't expect but a family, oh you surprise me every single time severus." voldemort said.

"leave them alone, you filthy rat!" you shouted. the dark lord showed no mercy to anyone, not even his most loyal subjects.

"since you want to protect your little family so badly, i suppose i can take you in." voldemort said.

the dark lord already had much distain for severus

"mum are you mad? say something, please!" sapphire sobbed.

"perhaps you'll see her after the battle, or maybe you'll see her...in her grave." voldemort cackled.

"come now bella, lets go have some fun." voldemort summoned bellatrix to his side, grabbing at you by your hair.

please, do all that you can severus. you pushed that thought to him.

i will my dear, you'll be back before you know it. i love you. he pushed back

i love you too.

"mum no! come back you coward, fight back! give her back!" sapphire yelled.

"dad please! you can't let them do this to mum, please." sapphire sobbed in her father's arms. both father and daughter, now powerless.

"sapphire look at me." he said. sapphire couldn't bring herself to do so.

"look at me!" he sternly said. she did as told.

"you better believe i'll bring your mother back, but for now. we have to plan, trust me. she will come back to us." he promised, his hands squeezing in his daughter's grasp.

sapphire was in her 4th year of hogwarts, with her mother and father at the school she was quite frankly the best the school had to offer. she was aware of her surroundings. she knew that she was different, that she was a wizard much like her mother and father.

if there was one thing sapphire tatiana snape always had within her, it was her undying love for her family. she didn't have anyone else to call to than her mother and father who had been there every step of the way and feared the day she would be apart from them.


you saw the scene at hand, drawings and sapphire's homework on the table, the kitchen left spotless and a few plastic balls left around. severus must have done some sort of spell for them to have a ball pool in the room.

"i wish for...i wish for my mummy to come back and we can be one big family again." sapphire said. you smiled warmly as you snuck up from behind took off the covers, surprising her.

severus' tale ( snapetober 2021 )Where stories live. Discover now