xxiii. can we fly, can we fly away?

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dear miss y/n l/n,

i hope your day at hogwarts has gone accordingly my love, i require your assistance in finding some ingredients as i am running out. please meet me at the forest tonight and dress accordingly, i wouldn't want to be responsible for any sickness you bring upon yourself.

all my love.

severus snape.

you looked at the letter smiling to yourself, you grabbed your coat and scarf, it happened to be severus' scarf. wrapping it around your neck and leaving your class. as you looked up at the night sky, it just so happened to be a full moon, perhaps you'd be able to get the ingredients and hurry back inside before lupin would be in action.

you found severus looking up at the moon, you looked over at your lover and hugged him from behind, leaving kisses on his cheeks. he turned back and saw your face returning the affection.

"glad that you've arrived. i have the list of ingredients, they should be easy to find." severus said.

"it will be easy for you to find sevvy." you said, giggling as you held onto his hand and followed him into the forest. you took the list from severus' hand and read the list.

porcupine quills

rat spleens

root of aconite


"what have i told you about calling me that?" he sighed, playfully giving you a stern look.

"well its got a better ring to it, you know that sevvy." you said, giggling again.

you followed him into the forest. your playful mood slowly wearing off as you went deeper into the forest.

"my dear are you scared?" severus asked.

"nooo...i'm not scared." you said, playing it off as calmly as possibly.

actually i'm downright terrified, did we have to do this in the evening, everything is so scary.

"well, you're actually quite scared." he said, instantly reading your mind.

"will you ever not use legilimens on me?" you asked

severus fluffed up your hair as you both went into the forest, letting you cling onto his hand.

the forest had always been yours and severus' favourite place to be in. whether it be to collect ingredients or just to have early morning and even late night walks, the forest had always been the place to go.

tonight you had been in search for some ingredients with him, off all the times you could have chosen, he picked midnight.

that was quite frankly the best time but it was very dangerous. whilst severus had been more than capable of collecting ingredients on his own, he sometimes needed you around.

"which ingredient would you want to start with?" you asked.

"i'll start with the roots of aconite, i have just finished it during todays classes." he answered. you nodded as you continued following him.

as severus found himself in the destination needed, he looked a little deeper for the ingredient.

"lumos!" you chanted, waving your wand and the bright light shone all around you.

severus' tale ( snapetober 2021 )Where stories live. Discover now