Liii. 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡

Start from the beginning

The laughter of the girls from the orphanage, the one she lived at prior to being taken, echoed all around her.

'Carrie smells!'

'Carrie can't read!'

'Carries a cry baby!'

Their voices and teasing echoed in her head as she squeezed her eyes shut, being dropped from the vines and hitting the ground. But, it wasn't the Upside Down now, she was locked in the cellar at her first foster home. She tugged on the door, the darkness scaring her.

"That'll teach you to have manners!" her first foster father shouted, the air was getting tighter.

"Please!" Carrie yanked on the handle. "Let me out!"

She wished Dustin was here. She wished Mav was here.

"Carrie." a deep voice rung behind her, one she wasn't familiar with. Turning, she stood face to face with Vecna as he approached her in the darkness. Her back shoved against the wall, breathing heavy. "I'm the only one that knows any of this."

"Go away." she wanted her voice to be stronger, but it just wasn't.

"You don't tell your friends. Why?" he got closer to her, but she couldn't move. "I'll know if you lie to me."

Now she was crying, backing more into the corner. "Go away."

She placed her hands over her ears, but he was in her head, nothing was keeping him out. His claw touched her, she yanked away harder.

'Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me'

Carrie's eyes grew open, the portal behind Vecna's head growing wider. She could see herself, Mav's headphones over her ears while the four tried to wake her. Carrie yelped as Vecna rose his claw faster, scared he'd loose her. Carrie ducked down, slamming her hip into his side so he stumbled. She ran across the floor.

"I'll take her instead!" Vecna hollered at Carrie, just as her feet came off the ground and she jumped through the portal. She wasn't in the basement, she was in Mavis' arms, somewhere she always felt safe.

"Oh my god, Mav!" Lucas hollered out immediately, cupping his sisters face. "Erica, go! Hurry!"

Erica ran to signal Nancy and the others from the play ground. Carrie sat up, taking her head off Mav's chest and staring into her white eyes. Vecna had her, that's what he meant just as she was taken. If Carrie had known, she'd have stayed. She went to take the headphones off before Max stopped her, grabbing her wrist. "No, let me."

Max placed her walkman on Mavis's head, hurrying to swap Running Up That Hill with Hungry Eyes.

"Lucas!" Mavis cried out for her brother as she breathed heavy, standing in the middle of the football field. Her heart was beating so fast she swore it would kill her faster then Vecna would. The stadium lights began to flip on, one by one, making her squint from the sudden blinding light.

"I think Fish Eyes is gonna cry!" it was Troy, only he was little. Third grade maybe, pointing at Mavis and laughing with James. She looked down, realizing she was closer to the ground then she usually was, her hair wasn't pink, her clothes were the complete opposite then what they use to be.

She was eight years old again.

"My Dad says you're just a bunch of trash." Troy pushed her hard, Mav hit the ground with a jolt. "He said that's why your brother died, because he had it coming. He says the world is better now, one less Hilton to worry about."

Mavis whimpered as her lip trembled, little her never being as tough as she was now. No, because she was made into that person. She wasn't born angry and tough, she was shaped into it because of people like her mother and people like Troy and James.

𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒| Eleven Hopper/ Jane HopperWhere stories live. Discover now