Chapter 39

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"Bryce!" I yelled as I walked into Sway.

"What?" Bryce responded from upstairs. I quickly ran upstairs to his room with tears still streaming down my face. "What happened?"

"Bryce," I cried. "I messed everything up."

"What are you talking about?" He questioned as he pulled me into a hug.

"Tayler hates me," I sniffled. "Now he's trying to find Josh and I don't know what he's going to do to him once he does."

"Beth, what did you do?" Bryce asked as he rubbed my back.

"I cheated on him," I said as I wiped away another tear. "I cheated on him with Josh throughout our entire relationship. Now he's out looking for Josh and it's all my fault."

"It's not your fault," He started. "I mean it is your fault, but you regret it so you can make things better now."

"That's the problem, I don't regret it at all. I feel bad that I hurt him but I know damn well that I would do it again. Hell, I would go makeout with Josh right now. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Beth it's okay. You just aren't meant for relationships right now and that is perfectly fine."

"You're right. Josh and I worked great when we weren't together and-" I was interrupted when I heard the door open downstairs.

I ran out of Bryce's room and just prayed that it was Josh because I didn't know if I could face Tayler knowing how much I hurt him.

I got to the bottom of the stairs and wrapped my arms around Josh's neck. "Thank God."

"Beth, I-" Josh started.

"Josh, I love you," I said interrupting him. I placed a soft kiss on his lips with tears still falling down my face.

"Well that escalated quickly," Bryce muttered as he came down the stairs. I decided that my best option was to just ignore him.

"We need to get out of here," I rushed as I pulled away from Josh.

"Beth, we can't just keep running away from Tayler," Josh said as he started running circles on my back.

"Josh is right," Bryce said. "You're both going to have to face him eventually. It'll be fine, Beth."

"It's not me that I'm worried about!" I cried. "You guys didn't see his face when he left. He was so broken and so angry. He wants to seriously hurt someone."

"And that someone is Josh," Bryce voiced.

"Guys, it's fine. He's not going to hurt me," Josh shrugged.

"You can't get hurt," I said wiping away a tear. "You have to promise me that the second he does anything you'll run away."

"Take a deep breath," Josh said as he pulled me into a hug and started to run his fingers through my hair. "I don't care what happens, you are my best friend and I'm not leaving you."

"Josh, please," I begged. "Tayler won't lay a finger on me but he wants to hurt you. I am completely safe, but you're not."

"Beth," Josh sighed in a way that would've been really hot if I wasn't scared for his life. "Tayler is going to come here eventually and we are going to handle it. Nothing is going to happen to me."

"What happens when-"

"If Tayler tries something Bryce can just pull him away. There's two of us and one of him."

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