Chapter 33

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"You're awfully smiley," Tayler smiled as I got into the car. "I'm guessing it went okay."

"It actually went really great," I beamed. "Josh and I are on better terms than ever."

"I'm glad that you're happy, baby," He said as he pecked my lips. "Where do you want to go?"

"Can we just go home, please?"

"Are you talking about Sway or the Triller Compound?"

"Last time I checked, I still live at Sway," I giggled.

"Not for long," Tayler muttered. I doubt that he intended for me to hear it, but I definitely did.

"What?" I laughed.

"Nothing," Tayler smiled as he pushed my hair behind my ear. "You're beautiful, you know that?"

"I love you," I said as I brushed my lips against his. "So Sway it is?" I questioned as we pulled out of Josh's driveway.

"Yeah, I'm sure Bryce is going to want to know all about what happened."

We got to Sway and as soon as we walked in the door Bryce was anxiously waiting to hear what happened. "How'd it go?"

"It went great actually," I smiled. "We're back to being just friends."

"Tayler, you're pissed, right?" Bryce smirked.

"What?" Tayler seemed genuinely confused, but I knew exactly what Bryce was getting at.

"I'd be mad as Hell if my girlfriend just became best friends with her ex."

"I'm not worried about it," Tayler said, making me feel guilty. "I know for a fact that nothing will happen between them."

"Pfft. We'll see," I hated how Bryce always knew what was happening as soon as it happened. Sure, he has no idea what is actually happening, but I always knew that he would find out one way or another.

"There is nothing going on between me and Josh, and there never will be," I lied. "Just trust Tayler's judgment. Tayler trusts me and maybe you should too."

"You really trust her being friends with her ex?" Bryce asked Tayler.

"Yeah, I know she would never do anything," Tayler smiled. "Unlike all of your past relationships, what we have is real."

"You know that I've had real relationships, right?" Bryce scoffed. "I was dating Addison for a while."

"And what happened there?" I grinned.

"We broke up."

"That's the point," Tayler started. "Beth and I aren't breaking up ever."

"That's some commitment and I don't think I like it," Bryce chuckled.

"Whatever, Bryce," I laughed. "I'm gonna order some food, do you want anything?"

"What are you getting?" Bryce asked.

"I think I'm just going to get some orange chicken. Tayler, you want anything?"

"Yeah, just get me whatever you're getting," Tayler shrugged.

"Bryce?" I said as I pulled out my phone.

"Just give me some noodles or some shit," Bryce stated. I ordered us the food and luckily it arrived in around ten minutes.

We finished eating and Tayler went home for the first time since we started dating. It was actually weird that he wasn't around since he hadn't left my side for days and it was kind of peaceful. I felt like all the pressures were lifted away. Of course, I loved the pressure of being with him, but a break was nice every once in a while.

A few days later, I was sitting on the couch watching a movie with Bryce when I got a text from Josh. Are you home?

Yeah. I responded immediately.

Is Tayler there?

Nope, he's at the studio. I think he'll be gone for a few hours.

I was answered with zero response whatsoever. I was actually getting excited for him to come over since I hadn't seen him for a few days, but I wasn't too disappointed that he left me on read.

"Is Tayler coming over?" Bryce asked me from the other end of the couch.

"No, he's going to be at the studio all day," I stated. "Why?"

"Josh wants to know if I want to hang out," Bryce said which made a smile creep onto my face.

"Why does it matter if Tayler is here or not? Josh is allowed to come over whenever you want him to," I laughed.

"What are you talking about? Tayler wouldn't want Josh-"

"What? Tayler doesn't hate Josh," I interrupted.

"You really don't know?" Bryce questioned. "Let's just say that Tayler hasn't really forgiven him for what happened at that party."

"He's just jealous," I muttered.

"You think Tayler is jealous? Of what, your fake feelings for Josh?"

"You're probably right," I said.

"Alright, I'm telling Josh to come over," Bryce started. "Any objections?"

"Bryce, Josh and I are friends again. You don't have to ask me for permission," I grinned.

"I would be so pissed if you were best friends with one of my exes. I'm just making sure that you're okay with it because I know that there is no way in Hell I would be."

"Well unlike all of your exes, Josh and I didn't end on bad terms."

"You wanna rethink that one?"

"Okay, maybe we didn't on the greatest terms."

"I think you meant that you ended in the most terrible way possible. That break up was a trainwreck that got dropped into the depths of Hell."

"That's not the point," I laughed. "I was just trying to say that Josh and I are friends."

"He's on his way," Bryce said as he unpaused the movie.

A few minutes later, Josh showed up and I immediately went upstairs by myself. I would've loved to stay and hang out with them, but I felt like I was just stealing Bryce's friends again. Besides, if Josh wanted to see me, he could come to me.

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