Chapter 12

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I drove home in tears. Did I really just break up with Josh out of no where? Usually, you would think about a big decision like that, but that definitely had no thought put into it. It actually surprised me as soon as it came out of my mouth.

I pulled into my driveway and walked inside. Of course, all the boys were in the living room to watch me walk in in tears.

Noah was the first one to notice me, "What happened?"

Then as soon as Noah saw me, Blake looked up too, "Beth, are you okay?"

"Not really," I sniffled.

"Why are you back so early?" Bryce asked.

"I broke up with Josh," I said through my tears.

"Why?" Bryce was more curious then comforting, but what else can you expect?

"I just don't think it's possible to genuinely love someone you met a week ago, so I ended it."

Since Bryce wasn't comforting me at all, Noah stepped up and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry about that."

"It's fine," I sniffled. "It's my fault anyways. I'm the one who ended it."

"So you're just done because you don't think it's possible to love someone this early?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, it was just a weird scenario I guess," I said as I broke away from Noah's brotherly hug.

About a week after my breakup, the internet was starting going crazy. Everyone is starting to realize that we actually broke up. When I broke up with Josh, we didn't say one thing about it on the internet. We probably should've so people didn't start assuming things.

I was reading through all the comments on my most recent TikTok with Bryce and every single one was about Josh.

Doesn't she make content with her boyfriend? Unless...

Why hasn't Josh posted anything?

They def broke up. Literally no content with them both.

I decided that it was probably time to tell the world about what happened between me and Josh. I didn't want it to be a huge deal though. Of course, I know that people are going to go crazy about this, but I don't want to film a whole YouTube video about it or anything.

I decided that I should just post a simple Instagram story about it, just so people didn't start spreading fake rumors.

I decided that I should just post a simple Instagram story about it, just so people didn't start spreading fake rumors

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I posted it and everyone was immediately going crazy. This is to be expected though, since I did just announce that something they love, like my relationship, had died.

I noticed that my phone only had 11%, so I plugged it into my charger and went downstairs. Bryce was sitting on the couch scrolling through Instagram, so I sat down next to him and started watching the TV.

"You made it public?" Bryce said around ten minutes later. He was obviously talking about the break up.

"Yeah," I started. "I figured that it isn't helping anything to make people think we're still together."

"Did you ask Josh before you posted this?" He seemed concerned, but why?

"No, I figured he would be fine with it," I stated as I stood up from the couch.

"So you haven't seen the tweet?"

"What tweet?" I was starting to get worried.

"Where the fuck is your phone? Aren't you getting notifications about this?"

"My phone is upstairs charging. What is going on!?"

He passed me his phone and he already had a tweet opened on the screen. I read Josh's name on the top and then moved my eyes down to the tweet.

Is it really that hard to keep something offline?

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