Chapter 19

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I heard my bedroom door open and luckily, it was Tayler. I wanted to be alone, but I wasn't mad that he was here. "Are you okay?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He obviously noticed that I was crying.

"Would you be?" I cried into his shoulder.

"Not even close," I could feel his grip tighten around my waist. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I just don't get it," I sniffled. "He said that he loved me a week ago and now he's calling me a whore."

"Just don't listen to him," Tayler said stroking my hair.

"I don't know," I cried. "Maybe he's right. Maybe I am just a good for nothing slut."

"Don't say that, you're not a slut."

"You're right, but I am a whore," I sobbed.

"That is such a lie!" He said breaking the hug.

"Is it though?" I started. "Josh was right, I just jump from person to person. I haven't even been able to keep a boyfriend for more than a month without questioning everything."

"You aren't a whore, Beth. I know what your intentions are and you aren't even close to a whore."

"I'm just scared, Tayler," I cried.

"Of what Josh thinks of you?"

"No, it's not that," I sniffled.

"Then what are you afraid of?" He asked pushing my hair behind my ear.

"What happens when I start thinking that this isn't real? I don't want to lose this," I said wiping away a tear.

"I can tell you right now that this isn't fake," Tayler said pulling me into another hug.

"Josh said that too."

"I'm not Josh."

"I know, but it always ends the same for me."

"This isn't ending any time soon," Tayler said looking straight into my eyes. "I love you."

"Josh said he loved me too," I said wiping away another tear.

"Will you stop thinking about Josh for like five seconds?" He said as he placed his soft lips against mine.

I broke the kiss and let out a few words, "I just don't want this to end."

"Then stop pretending that it is going to," Tayler said as he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me over to the bed.

"I love you too," I laughed as he started kissing my neck.

"See you aren't thinking about Josh now are you?" Tayler said as he continued kissing my neck.

"Last time I made out with someone in the middle of a party was with Josh, so I am thinking about him a little," I grinned.

"Well, stop it!" Tayler smiled at me. Then he went back to kissing me. This was truly better than any make-out session I had with Josh. This felt right compared to all the fake love I gave to Josh. "You're still thinking about him, huh?"

"I'm sorry!" I laughed. "You can't expect me to just forget about what just happened at the party that quickly."

"Fine, then let's just go back down to the party," Tayler said pulling me off of the bed and out the door.

We walked down the stairs and it was like nothing had ever happened. Of course, Josh left which made me more happy about partying again. Josh probably gave away our secret after he saw Tayler kissing me, but hopefully everyone would just forget about that. That probably wasn't going to be the case, but one can hope.

I separated from Tayler and went over to talk to Larri. I decided to go to him first since if he knew something, he would most definitely confront me about it. "Bitch! Did you just have sex?" Larri asked with a ton of sass. It was an interesting way to start a conversation, but you can't expect anything else from Larri.

"What?! No!" I could feel myself getting defensive, even though I was telling the truth.

"Those hickeys on your neck are saying otherwise," Larri said pointing to my neck. Of course, Tayler just had to leave hickeys! I couldn't think of anything to say so I just stayed silent. "So who did you fuck?"

"Larri! I didn't fuck anybody! We were just making out, relax!"

"Bitch! Who was it?!"

"Nobody," I said hoping he wouldn't dig any deeper.

"Are you homophobic?" Here we go again. "That's why you won't tell me, huh?"

"I'm not homophobic, I just don't kiss and tell."

"And I thought we were friends," Larri said as he ran his tongue across his teeth. "It's not like I'm going to tell Bryce."

"Bryce already knows," I laughed.

"So why can't you tell me?! It's not like you're dating him or anything."

"Well..." I hesitated.

"Bitch, you are dating him!" Larri seemed genuinely shocked. "Is it Tayler?!"

"No!" I lied.

Tayler came up next to me, "Did someone say my name?"

"Larri thinks that we're dating," I told him. We obviously were dating, but I planned on keeping that a secret for a long time.

Out of no where, Tayler pulled me into a kiss. I pushed him away immediately since I didn't want to give away our secret. "What the fuck are you doing?!" I said as I shoved him backwards.

"Come on baby," Tayler was practically falling over. "Let me fuck you until you can't walk."

"Tayler!" I said as I slapped him across the face. "Are you drunk?!"

Tayler looked like he was about to pass out and Larri wasn't being any help. I located Bryce about fifteen feet away from me. "Bryce!" I yelled.

He came over and was followed by a few of his friends. "What?"

"Tayler is drunk," I sighed.

"So?" Bryce honestly couldn't have cared less.

"He just said that he wants to fuck me until I can't walk," This definitely caught his attention and he dragged Tayler upstairs. I was just praying that he wouldn't put Tayler in my room. I loved Tayler, but I loved him a lot more when he was sober.

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