Chapter 13

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Is it really that hard to keep something offline?

"Will you talk to him?" I asked Bryce, because I could already guarantee he wasn't going to be picking up any of my calls.

"Why can't you? He's your ex-boyfriend."

"He's your best friend. Plus, I doubt he would even want to talk to me."

"Well, it's not like you ended badly, right? You guys can still be friends."

"Tell him that! I have tried calling him multiple times and he won't pick up."

"Fine," Bryce said handing me his phone again. "Call him on my phone. And if he doesn't answer, just go to his house."

"Fine," I said as I started scrolling through Bryce's contacts. I could not find his name anywhere though. "What do you have his contact as?"

"Oh, he should be under Sister Stealer."

"Bryce!" I said with a laugh. "Why is that his name?!"

"I think that's pretty self explanatory," I just rolled my eyes and started dialing Josh. It rang multiple times, but he finally answered.

"What do you want, Bryce?" He said from the other side of the phone. "And I don't want to talk about your sister."

"Josh, I'm sorry for-" I started, but he hung up as soon as he heard my voice. "He hung up!"

"Alright, then just go over to his place," Bryce ordered.

"Fine," I said as I grabbed Bryce's keys off the counter. I walked out the front door and got into Bryce's Tesla.

I drove over to Josh's place and I knew he was here since his car was in the driveway. I rang the doorbell, but nobody came to the door. He probably was just not answering because he knew it was me, so I just walked inside.

Luckily, the door was unlocked so it really wasn't a problem getting in. The biggest problem is going to be to make sure Josh doesn't leave while I'm talking to him.

I walked up to his room and sure enough, he was just laying on his bed. "What the hell do you want?!"

"Josh, I just want to talk."

"Beth, get out of my house!"

"Why do you hate me so much right now?!"

"You know why."

"Are you sure about that? Because I honestly don't know why we can't just be friends."

"You went public about the break up without asking me."

"I just didn't want people spreading fake rumors about us-"

"What like we're dating? Why is that such a problem?"

"Because we aren't dating!"

"So the whole world has to know that?"

"Yes, they do! They were starting to notice that we haven't been making any content together! They were just making up random shit that wasn't true!"

"Fine, then I forgive you-"


"I forgive you for going public, not anything else."

"What else did I do?! All I did was break up with you!"

"That's what the problem is!"

"So you just want me to stay in a relationship that didn't feel real to me?"

"Whatever, Beth! Can you leave?"

"Can we just be friends again? Please Josh."

"We were never friends, but I guess I'll hang out with the rest of Sway again."

"Thanks," I said as I walked back outside to the car. I would say that today wasn't a complete failure since I got Josh to start hanging out with us again. I got back to Sway and told Bryce about everything that had happened. He was happy about it since Josh hadn't been hanging out with him ever since we broke up.

"We're having a party tonight, you in?" Bryce asked. I knew that I shouldn't be partying, but a party sounded like a great way to get my mind off of Josh.

"Yeah, but don't let me drink anything," I said with a slight laugh.

"Why would I allow underage drinking?" He said sarcastically.

"What time are people coming over at?" I asked.

"I think like five, but Tayler is coming over a little bit earlier to film some content."

"What time is he coming at?" I asked and I don't even know why I was getting excited.

"I think that he should be here any minute," Bryce stated.

"Alright cool," I said as I sat down on the couch. I started scrolling through TikTok and I swear that my entire for you page was just about my breakup.

I set down my phone since I was sick of looking at Josh and almost immediately Tayler walked in. "Yo Bryce you ready to film?"

"Yeah, just give me a second. I'm gonna grab something from my room," Bryce said as he went upstairs.

Tayler came over and sat on the couch next to me. "Why'd you break up with Josh?"

"What makes you think that I broke up with him?" I laughed.

"It's pretty obvious. You've been making content everyday and Josh hasn't posted a single thing."

"I broke up with him because it felt fake," I stated.

"Well, at least you can say you've had the shortest TikTok relationship ever. How long were you guys dating for?" He laughed.

"A week," I said trying to hold in a laugh. Luckily, Bryce came back downstairs to stop whatever awkward conversation I was having with Tayler.

"You ready now?" Tayler asked impatiently.

"Sorry, I actually can't film today. I just got a call and I have to leave as soon as possible. Is it cool if you just film with Beth or something?"

"Yeah, she'll probably get more views than you anyways," He was obviously joking, but he wasn't wrong. Break ups do tend to get a lot of views.

Bryce walked out the door and it was just me and Tayler alone again. "Do you just want to vlog or what?" I asked with a slight smile.

"I had an idea to do with Bryce, but I can just do it with you now."

"What's your idea?" I was a little nervous to see what he had planned.

"I'm going to pay you to tell me your secrets," He said with a grin. All I could think about was how terribly wrong this was going to go for me.

"I'm in."

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