Chapter 1

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"Bethany Grace Hall, get down here right now!" I heard my mom call from downstairs.

"Can you give me like ten minutes!?" I yelled back as I rolled over and tried to fall back asleep.

This was usually how most mornings went. Ever since Bryce moved to California, it has just been my mom and I living here. My dad has never really been around and I didn't really care about him at all. I think he is in prison, but again, I don't really care.

I heard my mom marching up the stairs and her footsteps sounded pissed off. "You said that a half hour ago! Get up right now!" She said as she marched her way into my room. I had just turned 19 and I was still being bossed around by my mom.

"Why do I have to get up?" I groaned and I turned around to face her.

"Bryce is on the phone, he has something to tell you," She told me and my eyes lit up. Bryce was one of my favorite people and I always loved it when he would call.

I ripped the phone out of her hands and immediately started talking. "Hey Bryce!"

"Hey Beth. I have some news for you," He answered from the other side of the phone.

"Is it good or bad news?" I asked as my concern started to grow.

"Oh don't worry, it's actually really fucking great."

"What is it?" I could feel my excitement growing as he started to explain the news.

"Do you know how many followers you have on TikTok?" He asked and I was kind of getting confused.

"Umm, yeah I think so. When I went to bed I think I had around nine million maybe."

"So you could say that you are TikTok famous?"

"I guess so, why does it matter?" I could feel myself starting to get more and more anxious to know what he had to say.

"Where would you say that the most famous TikTokers live?"

"Near LA, for sure. What are you saying Bryce?! Just spit it out!"

"I want you to move into Sway with me!" I felt my heart drop. There is no way that this could actually be happening.

"Bryce, I swear to God if you are fucking with me you are dead."

"I'm not joking Beth, do you want to come?"

"Of course I want to come!" I yelled through the phone. "When do I get to move in?"

"Your plane is next Saturday. If you aren't all packed by then, we can just cancel that flight and book one the next week."

"Don't worry, I'll definitely be ready by then," I was so excited that I probably sounded high. "Who lives there right now? I feel like people are just coming and going every day," I laughed.

"Well, it's me, Josh, Kio, Jaden, Griffin, and Anthony. You can meet them when you get here."

"Alright, I'm going to go start packing, is there anything else?"

"Nope, I think that's it. I'll talk to you in a few days."

"Bye asshole," I laughed as I hung up the phone. "Mom! How long have you known about this!?"

"He asked if you could move in around a week ago," She laughed.

"And you didn't tell me?!"

"He wanted to tell you, I wanted to let him," She just kept laughing.

About two weeks later, I got on the plane to California. I was so excited and the plane was around four hours wrong. I took a nice nap on the plane and felt so refreshed when I woke up. I got off the plane and grabbed my bag from bag check.

I started to head out into the parking lot and immediately noticed Bryce's Tesla sitting there with no one in it. I started to look around to try to find Bryce when my eyes finally landed on him and someone else that I didn't care enough to think about. I dropped my bags and started to run over to him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me off the ground. "How was your flight?" He asked as he set me back down on the ground.

"It was fine," I said as I looked over to the other guy that was with Bryce. I immediately noticed that it was Josh Richards. "I'm Beth."

"I'm-" He started but I immediately interrupted him.

"I know who you are," I said as I turned back towards Bryce. "You ready to go?" I started walking towards the car when I heard Josh whisper something to Bryce. I couldn't hear what he said, so I just ignored it.

We drove to Sway and Bryce introduced me to all of the boys. They were all really nice, some of them nicer than others.

I went up to my room and started unpacking some of my things. Bryce was throwing a welcoming party tonight for me and I was actually really excited. I loved parties and I tended to get pretty wild at any party with more than five people.

I put on a short black dress and some cute heels that matched perfectly. I had about ten minutes until the party started, so I just brushed through my hair one more time and went downstairs.

This is the dress, if you hate it then just imagine a different outfit.

I got downstairs and Bryce immediately started making comments on my outfit

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I got downstairs and Bryce immediately started making comments on my outfit. "I don't think I've seen you wear anything that revealing, like ever."


"It looks good on you," He smiled.

"Thanks Bryce," I smiled back as I pulled him into a hug. "I'm so glad that you brought me out here. I love you."

"I'm glad you're here too, I missed bullying you," He laughed.

"Whatever!" I laughed back as I released him. "Who's coming to this little party?"

"I don't know if I would call it a 'little party'"

"Whatever, who's coming?"

"All of Sway, most of Hype, and Tayler."

"That's it?"

"Well, and whoever else shows up. Our parties are never small."

"I know Bryce, I have watched your vlogs."

"Well, I've heard that you're a big party animal too."

"I don't know where you heard that, but they were definitely right," I said with a laugh.

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