Chapter 7

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A few hours past and all of a sudden I was partying with a ton of people I had never even met. It was probably a terrible idea to have another party since my head was already pounding from our party last night.

I jumped onto the counter and pulled Josh up with me. "Hey bitches!" I yelled which got a bunch of people cheering.

"How are you already drunk?" Josh said in a voice that literally nobody heard except me.

"How are you not drunk?" I asked him under my breath.

"I'm not a big drinker Beth," He said with a laugh.

"I know, don't worry," I said as I looked back out to the crowd that was staring at us. I had only had one or two drinks, but I already felt super drunk. "What do you guys say? Should we get Josh fucking Richards to shotgun something?!"

The crowd was starting to go crazy when I passed Josh a White Claw. He just shook his head at it which made me laugh. But I laughed even harder when I heard Bryce shout something from under us, "Shotgun it pussy!"

"Shut up Bryce!" He yelled as he took the White Claw out of my hand. He opened it with his teeth and started chugging it. He finished it in seconds, crushed it, and threw it into the crowd. "There, are you happy?" He laughed as he grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss. People were cheering and it felt like we were at a concert or something. There were probably only a hundred people here, but the energy was insane.

I grabbed Josh's hand and pulled him off the counter with me. We went back to partying and it was so fun to actually be able to attend the party instead of being locked in my room.

I walked around and was talking to people for most of the night. I hung out with Tayler a lot for some reason. Of course, Josh was at my side no matter where I went, but I found it cute how protective he was of me.

Josh eventually drifted away from me and started talking to Noah, so I made my way over to where Bryce was standing with Johnny Guazz. "Hey Bryce?" I said as I came up to him. "Do care if I hook up with Tay Tay Holder?"

"What the fuck?" He laughed. "How much have you been drinking?"

"I don't know, I think I had just one."

"That is definitely not true. You drank enough to forget about your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" How the hell did I forget about that? "Oh shit! Josh! I guess I probably drank more than I thought."

"Hold up, did you just ask me if you could hook up with Tayler?" Bryce asked with a laugh.

"Holy fuck, I did. Why would I do that? He is like five years older than me!"

"And you have a boyfriend?" Bryce said, reminding me of how bad I messed up. "Did you say something to Tayler?"

"I hope not," I honestly couldn't remember what I had said to Tayler. I know for a fact that we were talking, but I have no clue what we were talking about.

"Also, why would you ask me to hook up with someone?" Bryce chuckled.

"I don't know Bryce! I'm so drunk," I stated. "I need to find Josh so I don't do anymore stupid shit."

I walked over to where Josh was talking to Noah and grabbed his hand. "Hey Josh? Can you not let me leave your side for like the rest of the night? I don't want to do anything stupid."

"Are you okay?" He laughed.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just really drunk and feeling really stupid," I smiled.

"So you guys are officially dating now?" Noah asked.

"Yes, we're dating," I smiled.

"Oh really? I thought for sure that it was fake," Noah said with a laugh.

"It was this morning," I laughed.

"So you guys were faking it this morning and you just made it real within a day? I thought that you guys met yesterday."

"We did," Josh started. "But when you know you know."

"So are you and Dixie fake?" I obviously knew that they weren't faking it, but drunk me liked getting on people's nerves.

"Shut up, you obviously know it's not fake," Noah said which made me laugh. "I swear to God you're just like Bryce."

"What's so bad about being like Bryce?" I said mocking him. Suddenly I heard someone come up next to me.

"What are you saying about me?" Bryce asked.

"Noah said that I'm just like you," I laughed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Bryce said trying to be serious. It was kind of fun to mess with Noah.

"I hate you guys," Noah laughed as he walked over to where Dixie was. He gave her a cute little peck on the lips and I couldn't help but think about how adorable their relationship was. They had so many Doah fans that adored them so much. It made me wonder how many people would ship Bosh.

Now that me and Josh were actually dating, I didn't like the name Bosh as much. When Josh decided on that I didn't think much of it since it was fake, but now I wanted it to be something special. Bosh honestly sounded kind of stupid to me.

The strangest thing happened and all of a sudden the DJ started playing a slow song. That literally never happened at these parties, but I decided to take advantage of it. I wrapped my arms around Josh's neck and I could feel his hands creep around my waist. We started swaying back and forth to the music and it was really nice until Bryce ruined it.

"Hey!" He yelled up to the DJ. "I'm not paying you to kill the vibe of this party!"

The DJ gave him a thumbs up and we went back to partying like it was before. I was sort of upset that I wasn't going to get to live out the rest of the moment, but it was fine.

Suddenly, the room went silent. What was going on? Everyone was facing the front door and I had no idea why. I stood up on the counter to see around a dozen cops barging into the Sway House.

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