Chapter 10

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"Hey!" I opened my eyes to Bryce barging my room. "I told you not to touch her, Josh!"

"Bryce, you need to calm the fuck down," I said as I rubbed my eyes.

"Did you actually think that I was just going to stay three feat away from her at all times?" Josh said in a super hot morning voice.

"You guys should listen to me when I tell you things!" Bryce seemed genuinely mad, but I don't really know what he expected. Did he really think that I was going to sleep with my boyfriend and not touch him?

"Bryce! You need to chill out! I'm not twelve anymore! In case you forgot, I'm allowed to touch my boyfriend whenever the hell I want!" I said as I jumped out of bed.

"I don't want to see it!"

"Then why did you come in here!?"

"You both need to calm down," Josh said from behind me.

"You would have to be insane to think that I'm just going to be single for life just because you're afraid of anyone touching me!"

"You can date whoever you want, but why does it have to be my best friend?!"

"Bryce, can you just let go of your ego for a second?! You don't own people and your friends have the right to do whatever they want and they don't care what you have to say about it!"

"Fine, date who you want. Just don't expect me to care," Bryce said as he started walking back into the hallway.

"That's the point, I don't want you to care!"

"That's good, because I don't! You can fuck whoever you want and I don't care Beth!"

"That is such a lie!" I started. "You definitely care or you wouldn't have made such a big deal out of this!"

"I can have you sent back to Maryland right now!"

"Is that a threat?"

"Yeah, I don't have to let you live with me!"

"You can kick me out, but that won't make me go back to Maryland. I can just move in with Josh or buy my own place for that matter. I don't need you! I'm getting followers just fine on my own," I stated. "You're the one that needs me in Sway. You need me for clout."

"I don't need you! I brought you here because I wanted to give you a chance in the social media world. I didn't think you were going to be this problematic!"

"I am not problematic!"

"Oh really? You've already managed to get us both arrested!"

"You should've saw that coming Bryce!"

"How would I have saw that coming?!"

"We were raised the exact same way! We are both problematic and we both have the Party Animal blood!"

"So you're saying that you are problematic because I am problematic."

"Not because of you. It's because that's how we were raised. We've both always loved partying and we grew up to party harder."

"You think that we both party too hard?!"

"Yeah I do! And your brand would agree with me. Party Animal University, Bryce! It's been laid out right in front of you and you still didn't expect me to be a party animal!"

"At least when I party I benefit from it. You're parties either piss me off or get people arrested."

"You were completely fine with the partying until we got arrested!"

"Yeah, because it was fun when we just had a huge party. But eventually you went too far and the cops got called."

"How did I go too far!? You were doing the exact same thing when you were my age! I've seen the vlogs from when you were younger and you were definitely drinking in a bunch of them. And don't even pretend that you've never been arrested! I'm not an idiot, Bryce!"

"Fine, let's just pretend that we never had any of these stupid arguments then!"

"That's fine with me as long as you don't get mad at me for doing the tiniest things!"

"Good, then we're done here," Bryce stated as he walked out of my room.

This chapter was literally just a huge argument, but whatever. Vote and comment.

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