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Bruce had built the Quantum Realm pad to be mobile and decided to install it somewhere the team could meet. It would be the final close to the saga of endles fighting they had gone through for nearly a decade. So, what better place to close the chapter than at Clint's house? 

It was somewhere the whole team had been after Ultron's attempts to destroy the Avengers, and it was unsuspecting. The world didn't know what they had done to reverse Thanos' effect on the universe, and they wanted to keep it that way. They needed to put the Stones back and act as if they were never taken. Messing with time travel could open more bumps in the road, so the Barton's family home was the best choice for private reasons.

While Bruce and Scott set everything up outside, Steve dressed in his Quantum Suit for the last time jump. Unknown to the others, he was preparing to leave the team for good.  With his blonde hair slicked back and nerves running wild, Steve released the air he gathered into his cheeks. He was nervous not only to return each of the Stones, but to lie to the others before he fell through the Quantum Realm. Bucky and Sam were waiting for him outside while Bruce and Scott finished the pad, and he didn't know if he could face them without spilling his intentions. But Steve's heart was set. He would be jumping back to his time, back to Peggy. And nothing excited him more.

At the sound of the doorknob turning and the wooden door creaking, Steve turned as if caught doing something he shouldn't. But his hiked shoulders relaxed, and he breathed a sigh. Sue smirked at the man's jittery behaviour and slipped into the room, making sure to shut the door behind her. With her green shirt tucked into her jeans and her hair back in a low bun, Sue slid her hands into her pockets as she looked at Steve for one of the last times.

'It's ready. Time to head back, Cap,' Sue chimed. Her tone held a slight sadness, but she was didn't want to dullend his last moments in the twenty-first century. It was what he wanted and if it meant Steve found a direction in his life, then Sue shouldn't be sad to see him go.

'It feels like yesterday I ran out into Times Square with Fury on my tail,' Steve laughed lightly with a shake of his head. He fiddled with the hem of his glove before he looked back up to Sue. She wore a tight smile, aware of his half reluctance to fulfil his one desire.

'You're doing a good thing, Steve. You deserve to be happy.'

'Should I tell them? The others?' Steve looked to Sue for reassurance, her level-headed trait always a help in tough situations. But he knew what she was going to say, so it disappointed him when he got little to no advice.

'It's your decision. But I know whatever you do, it'll be the best for you.'

Steve turned to look out the window and saw the path that led into the woods. He could see Bruce's green frame hunched over the control panel and Scott standing with the case of Stones in hand. They were waiting for him to venture out the house, but Steve hesitated. He had to be sure that this was the right choice. The last time he spoke to Peggy was when she was old, their time together missed. But he would be able to see her again and make a life with her, which was all he ever wanted. He was lost in today's world. He didn't belong here. He belonged with her.

'It was honour knowing you, Sue,' Steve turned and smiled, his mind made up. The sting hit Sue's eyes before she could stop it and they watered within seconds. With a clench of her teeth and a purse of her lips, Sue took long strides across the room. Steve opened his arms before she met him, the two embracing each other tightly. Her arms sat around his middle with the side of her face against his chest, the chill from the white breast plate on his Quantum suit shocking her cheek. Steve held the woman tight and relished in the quietness of the room.

'You were a good friend, Steve,' Sue's tears never spilt, and she pulled away with them still glossing over her irises. They exchanged their last smiles before the two turned to the door, ready to put on the act of the century.

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