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Sue briskly walked down the length to the next corner and grabbed the rail to swing herself round. The man who she saw before was walking to the control room that was just ahead. She stopped in her pursuit and analysed the suit he wore. It was identical to hers in the way it fit tightly against his form, and his gloves and shoes were the same black leather.

The curiosity was too much for Sue. His hair, identical to hers that was changed from the radiation, was the same. His back profile, everything, everything looked too much like him.

'Excuse me?' she called out and he stopped. The sound of her voice made him go rigid and she saw how his shoulders deflated in a loud sigh.

'Can I ask where you got that suit?' Sue asked when she saw she had his attention. She waited for him to answer, but she was surprised when all he did was turn to face her.

Sue froze. Her ears cancelled out noise and was replaced with a shrill of ringing. An ache formed in her chest at the shock, and she gripped the rail next to her to keep her balance. He looked the same, yet so different. He still had the light freckles that dotted along his nose and cheeks. His eyes were still the dark brown that matched Sue's. His hair was still curly on top of his forehead and the once blonde locks were the same brown that Sue had. Everything felt so familiar.

'Hi, Sue.'

His voice was the same; deep and still laced with the accent of their hometown. She could see the full look of his suit and the only thing that was different was the napla-shape that sat on the left of her chest was absent from his. It was the same blue as the suit she originally brought to Tony.

'Johnny...' her voice came out in a squeak. 'How... how are you...'

Sue's brother gave an embarrassed smile. He also was surprised to see his younger sister. He saw how different she looked, but also how familiar she was. The helicarrier was large, but not large enough to make it so their paths didn't cross. But Johnny fought hard to try and make it so.

'It's a bit of a long story...' Johnny replied. He walked forward and stopped in front of Sue, looking down at her wide eyes. 'It's good to see you.'

He wrapped his large arms around her and hugged her tightly. She stood still at first, the shock preventing her from moving, but the familiar sensation of embracing her older brother broke through it. She sunk into his chest and felt the tears leak out of her eyes. Her brother was here. He was alive. It had taken a while for her to overcome the full grieving process of losing her brother and friends. But Johnny embraced her, and it felt just like before. It was overwhelming.

'We can talk later,' Johnny pulled away, noticing how Sue tried to stay in his arms. 'Fury's expecting us.'

'Us?' Sue repeated.

Johnny took her hand and turned to continue to the control room. Sue stumbled after him and wiped at her eyes. She didn't want to be debriefed by Director Fury after running into her presumed-dead brother in the hallway. But there had been some major damages and events that needed to be discussed with what was left of the group.

They walked in just as Tony left after Fury talked about Agent Coulson's dream of the Avengers Intiative. Natasha and Steve turned to look at the two who looked distracted and dazed.

'Oh, Miss Storm...' Director Fury looked at the two, his eye switching between them in caution. 'I wasn't sure if you were up for the meeting. I see you've met, or should I say reunited with... Mr Storm.'

Steve and Natasha looked confused as they saw Sue and the man they didn't know in the same suits, only altered colours. Sue tried to stop the tears that continued to gather in her eyes, but having Johnny standing in front of her made it near impossible. She saw the confusion in Natasha and Steve's eyes and looked for Tony, seeing an empty seat next to Steve on the end of the table.

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