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Loki sensed the stare and lifted his gaze to meet hers. She crossed her arms over her chest and tried to work out anything from his expression. His blue eyes pierced through her and he looked like he was searching for something. Something to use against her.

'Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in,' Steve's voice broke Sue out of her staring contest with Loki and turned to the two men beside her.

'There's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you. Sue and I are a package deal. You get her, you get me. Not sure why she's so indemand,' Tony motioned to Sue. 'Guess that didn't happen a lot in your time. Bit more advanced now with the whole equality thing.'

'Tony,' Sue spoke with a stern tone, sending him a glare. The man opened his mouth to protest but knew better, closing it and turning back to the cockpit in a mood. Steve saw how Sue was able to tolerate and even control Tony. He didn't know how but it made him feel better that Tony Stark wasn't a complete ass to everyone.

'So, uh... you came back to Earth in an emergency shuttle?' Steve started small talk with the woman he barely knew. He saw how delighted Bruce Banner was to meet her and he was sure he had seen her face on some news articles a few times. But other than that, he didn't know anything about the woman in the red suit.

'Yeah,' she replied. 'Hit with a cosmic wave. Changed a lot of my life.'

Steve saw how Sue pursed her lips after speaking. It was an obvious struggle to talk on the topic, so he decided to leave it at that.

A sudden clap of thunder and lightening lit up the sky. The quinjet shook at the boom and Sue held on to a hanging loop from the ceiling to steady herself. Tony and Steve's feet stayed rooted to floor and the two looked around, Steve catching sight of Loki looking up with a worried look.

'What's the matter? Scared of a little lightening?' Steve asked.

'I'm not overly fond on what follows,' Loki spoke for the first time.

A loud bang was heard from the roof, and everyone looked up, hearing loud footsteps lead to the back of the jet. The ramp was pulled open, and a man walked in with long, blonde hair and with a red cape flowing behind him. Everyone watched as he grabbed Loki by the neck and walked back to the ramp. He spun the large hammer that was in his hand before it pulled the two out into the night air, leaving the jet's inhabitants dumbfounded.

'Did everyone else see that?' Sue questioned in shock and pointed her finger to open ramp.

'Another Asgardian?' Natasha asked from the front seat. The jet's balance had been thrown off by the arrival of another demi-god and Natasha was flipping switches to try and level it out.

'Think the guy's friendly?' Steve asked over the noise of the howling wind from outside.

'Doesn't matter,' Tony answered as his helmet came back from his suit and his mask fell shut over his face. 'If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost. I'm gonna need your help on this one, Storm.'

Sue tried not to appear giddy. Tony walked to the open ramp and prepared to take flight, knowing Sue could land safely on her own. Steve looked at the two ready to jump and tried to coerce them back.

'We need a plan of attack!'

'I have a plan,' Tony said and glanced over his shoulder. 'Attack.'

Tony fired up his repulsors and zoomed into the clouds. Sue looked at Steve with an apologetic look at their brash actions but jumped out with a gasp of her breath. She fell through the sky, trying hard not to notice how quickly the forest below was rushing up to her. She had to push away the fear of heights for now and focus on her landing that she'd been practising to be smooth. Tony insisted she'd find a way to fall safely since he couldn't guarantee he was always going to be around to catch her. He had suggested altering her suit to have some sort of flight or gliding capability, but Sue was adamant she could figure something out.

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