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The battle that ensued was quick. Bruce was the first to attack. His suit bolted towards Thanos, the joints in his legs creaking as his oversized feet rose and fell. But the man didn't get very far, as Thanos used the power of the Stones in his gauntlet to send him back. The Hulkbuster flew and collided with a wall, the Stone causing the rock of the wall to grow over the suit and trap Bruce in its hold.

Steve and T'Challa teamed together but were no match. Steve ended up in some bushes after a blast from one of the Stones sent him flying. T'Challa's head jerked to the side as Thanos' fist collided with his skull. The king of Wakanda fell to the floor, dazed and victim to a splitting headache.

Sam and Rhodey were next with Johnny in the back. The Storm wanted to ambush the purple titan, but it only became a line up to be clobbered. Sam had a wing ripped off from his suit and was thrown away like a ragdoll. Rhodey tried to use his weapons to take down the villain, but Thanos sent the War Machine away with a crushed suit. Johnny had no choice but to follow suit, attempting to trap Thanos in a ball of flames. Johnny circled the titan and formed his flames into a cage but was blasted away after a circuit brought him face to face with the fist of the gauntlet. The blast hit Johnny square in the chest and the torch was sent through the trees, leaving scorched bark from where he hit their trunks.

At the sight of her brother's defeat, Sue took it upon herself to take action. She stood with Wanda, who desperately tried to destroy the Mind Stone in Vision's head. Her fingers danced with the scarlet mist and her eyes filled with tears, frantically charming the Stone to somehow come free from Vision's hold. Seeing all her teammates fall one by one, the Maximoff had no choice but to attempt the task on her own. It pained her to think of what Vision would be become after its removal, but she couldn't let everyone die because of it.

Sue slipped into invisibility as Bucky ran in front. She ran around the clearing to take advantage of Bucky's distraction and Thanos flicked the Barnes away like a fly. Once the titan was done with him, Sue created a sphere around him and began to shrink it to crush him inside. He let out a cry as the edges squeezed his shoulders, his eyes looking around for the caster of the blue magic. Sue thought she had successfully trapped Thanos and smiled to herself. But she was proven wrong when Thanos activated one of the Stones in his gauntlet and sent his arm around in a circle. The stab in the dark proved effective, as the blast of bright red somehow hit Sue. She flickered out of her invisibility and hit the tree behind her. The barrier around Thanos faded and the titan was free, looking to where Sue landed with yet another victorious smirk.

Groot had tried to contain Thanos with tree roots. They locked around his bulky body, and he let out another cry. But his strength was too much, and he ripped through them, before throwing Groot away like the rest of the Avengers.

Natasha and Okoye barely made within two metres of Thanos. Okoye was thrown while Natasha was trapped at the movement of the ground below her feet. Thanos' manipulation of nature proved useful, and the Romanoff was trapped before she could even attack.

Sue tried to push herself back to her feet and watched Steve throw himself back into the fight once more. The Rogers was able to startle him with his aggressive punches before he tried to pull the gauntlet off the massive wrist it enclosed. But Steve found the same fate as he did before, the fist of Thanos colliding with his head and the super soldier crumbled to the floor in pain.

Thanos' eyes landed on Wanda, who caught the madman's gaze. He stalked towards her and Vision, and she tried to hold him back. She spluttered from her tears and Vision knew what he had to do. While his world was focused on the Mind Stone and Thanos, he willed his form to explode, the Stone going with him.

The forest quivered at the explosion and Wanda looked to where Vision once laid. Her chest caved in, and she let her crimson mists disperse. Thanos let out a sigh and placed his large hand on her small head, appearing to console her.

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