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Sue introduced Johnny to Tony officially. The two shook hands and Sue filled Tony in on SHIELD finding Johnny on the Marvel-1, which resulted in Tony retorting that Johnny was SHIELD's flaming lab rat. Johnny didn't take offence to this and came back with a comment about how he was the one who pushed the rotor when the helicarrier's engine failed. Sue stood to the side as the two went back and forth, before breathing a sigh of relief when Tony grew a smirk and said,

'You're alright, torch. I'll let you work with me.'

'Work with you? You're joking right?'

Tony worked on his suit that was damaged from the rotor situation. He sat at a desk with protective glasses over his eyes and used a blowtorch to seal the lining of his helmet. JARVIS's system was back online and the lights through the eyeholes of the mask lit up, awakened from its slumber.

Sue was nearby tying her hair up into a ponytail. She was well rested and was certain she would be at full capability once they arrived in New York. Tony would be heading in first to the Stark tower where they were sure Loki was. The rest of the team would fly in a quinjet to get on the ground and see what the situation was. They prepared for the worst and the unexpected.

'It's going to be dangerous, you know,' Tony spoke up from his seat. Sue turned around and saw him concentrating on welding parts of his suit back together.

'I'm aware,' she replied. 'Not getting cold feet, are you?'

'Me?' Tony scoffed. 'If I get cold feet, tell Johnny to come and burn them off for me.'

Sue laughed as she walked across the room to stand next to the table he worked on. Tony watched her and looked up at her smiling face. When Loki escaped, he was worried about Sue. He saw her fall through the floor when the explosion went off and didn't have to time to make sure if she was okay. Instead, he suited up and kept the live data JARVIS got from her suit. Every jump in her heartrate and every dip of her body temperature distracted him. And when he heard from Natasha that her and Sue were nearly clobbered by Bruce, he wished he had been there.

'You don't... you don't think I push you to the side when I save the day, do you?'

Sue remembered what Steve said to Tony when they were all under the influence of Loki's scepter. His words against Tony was something Sue downplayed. They weren't themselves and Steve's comments about Tony being the hero of the day while Sue helped by protecting him with forcefields was nothing. But Tony thought different.

'Well...' Sue started and Tony grimaced, making her put her hands up in a 'wait' motion. 'No, no, I don't think that at all. You're Iron Man. The media are the ones who think you're the greatest.'

'But you're so powerful. I've seen you out there. You're fast, strong, you're near unmatched. You're... amazing...'

Sue's lips parted as Tony looked up at her. The two stared into each other's eyes and were infatuated. Sue noticed how his brown eyes sunk into black as they reached the outer rim of his irises. His facial hair sat finely styled around his mouth and along his jaw. There were a few grey hairs that grew from the patches just above his ears, but Tony was still as alluring and attractive as his younger days.

Tony stood to his feet but didn't move away from Sue. Her eyes were a dark abyss that he fell into every time he stared at them. Her long eyelashes touched her brow bones so delicately and when they fluttered from her blinks, he felt his heart beat that little bit faster. Her high cheeks bones worked so well with her sharp jaw that he thought Sue had been made by angels. The pink lips he wished so badly to touch sat waiting, teasing him.

'You're not so bad yourself,' Sue whispered, and Tony felt a large smile spread across his face. He didn't often display his genuine smile; it was always a smirk or a sarcastic stretch of the lips. Sue loved to see the way his eyes halved into crescent moons and how his perfect teeth shone through.

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