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'Bruce gave him a sedative,' Rhodey explained. 'He's gonna probably be out for the rest of the day.'

The team gathered in the meeting room. Carol Danvers, the woman who brought Tony and the spaceship back to Earth, stood with the Avengers as its new addition. Nebula, the woman with blue skin and black eyes, was also with the group. They hadn't officially discussed who Carol was or why she saved Tony, but they knew that Director Fury had contacted her before he was blipped. She was powerful and that's what they needed.

'I can see that you're capable of taking care of him,' Carol looked to Susan, who she had observed closely ever since entering the compound. 'And I'll bring him a Xorrian Elixir when I come back.'

'What's an Xorrian Elixir?' Sue asked and Carol offered her a smile; the only one that she had shown all day.

'It'll help with his malnutrition.'

Susan nodded and Carol turned away. The woman headed for the door and the team glanced at each other with raised eyebrows.

'Where are you going?' Natasha inquired and Carol stopped on her pursuit.

'To kill Thanos.'

The team followed Danvers out of the meeting room and down the hall. Steve caught up with her and insisted that they may be out of their depth with a fight off of Earth, but it was their battle too. Nebula added that it would be impossible to find Thanos, while Rocket showed a hologram of a plant that emitted waves of cosmic energy.

'Thanos is there,' Nebula pointed to the planet.

Sue's head pounded with the back and forth that ensued. There was mention of the Infinity Stones, and Carol looked confident that she would be able to take on Thanos regardless. Everyone seemed keen to hunt down the titan, while Sue was reluctant. The first battle against him proved unsuccessful as they barely wounded Thanos in Wakanda. There was also the consideration of what everyone lost due to the battle. Vision lost the Mind Stone and his life despite their best attempts and the Avengers lost everything. Sue didn't think she would be able to go through that again, even if she lost nearly everything the first time. But with Tony back, she felt like she needed to spend time with the only person she had left. 

'Let's go get this son of a bitch,' Steve's cursing made Sue snap back into the conversation. Everyone dispersed to begin suiting up, while Sue stayed put. Her hands fiddled with the cuffs of her jumper, which were yellowing and were in dire need of a wash. It was only now that she realised how gross she felt and how much she wanted to have a shower. Being stood with the whole team for the first time in weeks humbled her to say the least.

'Sue? You coming?'

She turned her head and saw the lifted brow of the Black Widow. Sue bit her lip and struggled to think of what to say. She didn't want to seem like she was letting the team down, but she didn't want to face Thanos while wishing she was at home with Tony. Being even slightly distracted in battle could be fatal, especially against a titan with six Infinity Stones. It was suicide to walk in with reluctance and Sue wouldn't be able to bare it if someone got hurt because she wasn't concentrating. 

'I-I... I don't think I am...' Sue mumbled and prepared for the questions. Why? Are you afraid? You shouldn't be. You're amazing, Susan. Don't put yourself down, Susan. We need you.

But none of it came. The Storm looked up to see Natasha with soft eyes. Even though the Black Widow was trained to be expressionless and hard, Sue had seen nothing but understanding and kindness from Natasha Romanoff. Especially during Susan's rough period, the woman tried to coerce her out of bed and serenade her with comforting words. They never worked, but her kindness didn't go amiss.

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