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As he spoke, a stream of light flew over buildings and above Tony in his suit. Balls of fire shot out and incinerated Chitauri that rode on their chariots. The Chitauri found a new target to follow and caught on the firey tail of Johnny Storm. But the speed that he flew at was unmatched, leading for him to fly up and around to be behind them. He shot a blast of angry flames out of his hands and burned the aliens to ashes.

'There he is,' Tony mumbled but Sue caught it in her earpiece.

'Johnny?! What took you so long?!' she cried.

'I stopped for drive-thru,' Johnny said into his earpiece that was made to resist his thousand degree temperature.

Sue moved with the ground crew down the streets of the city. Clint fired arrows with fine precision and Natasha used her handguns against the Chitauri that littered the roads. Steve spun his shield through the air and took out multiple Chitauri at a time, while Sue helped the civilians. Loki had gotten hold of a chariot and rode from above, leading his army that fired their weapons below.

Loki fired his scepter down as he passed the four and watched in pleasure as the civilians screamed. His evil grin dropped when his shots made no damage to the people who huddled against a building. He looked to Sue who stood with her hands above her to form the barrier around herself and the group behind her. Loki grumbled and circled around to pass again, determined to create some damage.

'Those people need assistance down there!' Steve called as an overpass was crumbled over more civilians. The Chitauri sneaked towards them and Natasha fired her guns to defend the innocent.

'We got this! Go!' she said to Steve and he turned to Clint.

'You think you can hold them off?'

'Captain,' Clint pressed a trigger on his bow and his arrows rotated in their holder on his back. 'It would be my genuine pleasure.'

As Clint fired his arrows, Steve turned to Sue who was further down the street. She helped civilians down an alleyway where they could find the subway below the city to hide. A blast of purple soared past her shoulder, singeing her red suit. Its tech prevented an injury, but it was enough for Sue to turn around and form spheres around her fists. Chitauri fired their bayonets at the woman who dodged and blocked their blasts with the spheres, before throwing them as quick as she formed them. The aliens fell one by one from the force and Loki flew off before Sue could land a hit on him. Steve knew Sue could hold her own.

As he moved off, Sue headed into the next street. The Chitauri noticed her entrance from the alleyway and turned on her, firing their weapons. Sue disappeared and the creatures looked side to side, searching for the human they thought was ordinary. She appeared next to one that stood near a lamppost, swiping a thin yet sharp disk of blue through its throat. It fell to the ground and alerted its group, but she disappeared again and moved to the next. She sliced their necks and stomachs, one being able to swipe its sharp end of it's bayonet past her cheek. The skin broke and crimson fell down to her chin.

After finishing off the last of the group, Sue fell forward at the impact of a blast against her back. She stumbled and whipped around, ignoring the pain that shot through her body. The suit took a majority of the hit, but the force would leave a large bruise.

Sue threw a blue spike and watched as it impaled the lone Chitauri. It fell to the ground, and she was left in silence for the first time in half an hour. She groaned at the ache in her back and attempted to wipe away the blood from her cheek. But it continued its staining of her skin and she took the time to catch her breath.

The cry of Johnny soaring through the sky made her look up with squinting eyes. She saw his impending flare come from the left and watched as he landed on the road with his flames dying down. He let out a breath of air and ran his hand down his face, his flight fatiguing him slightly.

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