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The group sat at a large table in the control room. They discussed with Thor about his brother and what Loki had done to put him on SHIELD's arrest list. Bruce Banner stood to the side and changed the subject from Loki's adoptive childhood.

'I think it's about the mechanics. Iridium, what did they need the iridium for?' he asked and was answered by Tony who walked in with Agent Coulson.

'It's a stabilizing agent,' he walked around the table and went past Thor who stood with his arms crossed. 'Means the portal won't collapse on itself, like it did at SHIELD. No hard feelings, Point Break. You've got a mean swing.'

Thor stood still as Tony tapped his large bicep before walking to where Director Fury would usually stand to oversee the running of the carrier. At the absence of Sue, Thor looked around over his shoulders for the woman who somehow had a flexible presence. He assumed she wasn't in the room and turned back to see Tony putting a hand over his eye to imitate Fury.

'How does Fury even see these?' he asked Agent Maria Hill.

'He turns.'

'That's exhausting.'

While Tony planted a hacker implant under a desk and talked his way around the table, Sue stood directly behind Thor without anyone noticing. Her footsteps were nothing but a patter across the panelled floor, and Tony capturing the room's attention made it easy for her to make her way through in her invisible state.

'Finally, someone who speaks English,' Tony cheered after him and Bruce had a back and forth about thermonuclear astrophysics.

'Is that what just happened? Steve said in complete confusion to all the jibberish.

'It's good to meet you, Dr. Banner,' Tony shook his equal's hand and grinned. 'Your work on anti-electron collision is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster. I have a friend who's like you with the whole radiation thing. Only she's a little... hard to see.'

Thor felt a blow of air over his shoulder and whipped around with his arm raised to punch. The group turned to him and saw him looking around with shifting eyes to find the culprit, before Sue's form appeared with a wide smile. Bruce was amazed at the sight of Sue materialising from the air and Natasha held back a smirk at the trick. Steve's mouth hung open as he thought he'd seen everything, cursing for ever betting with Fury that nothing else would.

'Careful where you tread, witch,' Thor pointed a finger at Sue with a menacing look. 'No barrier of yours can protect you from my wrath.'

'Geez,' Sue mumbled with a look to the others that said 'can-you-believe-this-guy?'.

'Please remain visible as much as you can, Miss Storm,' Director Fury announced his arrival and the group turned to see the man who brought them together. Sue sunk into a chair and kept quiet for now, trying not to laugh at the glare she received from Thor, and the smirk she got from Tony.


While Tony and Bruce worked on locating the Tesseract, Sue decided to do some physical digging. Tony informed her that he would be searching SHIELD's data base to find out why they were all gathered now and not before the Tesseract was taken. She used her invisibility to her advantage when following agents to see if anywhere was worth searching through.

Wandering the halls, Sue found a room that was locked by a passcode that she watched an agent type in before entering. She leaned against the wall in plain sight as they exited moments later, unaware of her watching and turning the corner. Sue went to the door and copied the passcode, the door opening and closing on its own to anyone that could have been watching.

Storm ≛ Tony Stark ≛Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat