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She thought about staying there in the control room. Just wait for sickness or hunger to take hold. She didn't know if the radiation she was exposed to was eating away at her livelihood. She could be dead in a few minutes, anyway. But when the minutes passed, she was still awake and hollow. Radiation at that extremity should take hold within moments of exposure. Something was different.

Without much feeling, Sue eventually made her way through the ship and to the emergency shuttle. Reed made sure that everyone was aware of how to leave the rocket in case of an emergency, so it wasn't hard for her to know what to do. But the unwillingness to do so was the worst part.

She set up the departure and pulled closed the round door that sealed shut. A countdown began before it deployed from the Marvel-1, jetting itself back down to Earth. Sue watched out the window as the rocket grew small and the idea of leaving Johnny, Reed and Ben floating through space for eternity pained her all over.

The shuttle descended for Earth and fell off the coast of Australia. An SOS signal was sent out and she was rescued from the shuttle within an hour.

Back on the Marvel-1, the door to the boarding dock opened. Men in black bodysuits ran into the ship and were greeted by the blaring red emergency lights. An agent led a unit in attempts to find the crew that had been hit by the cosmic storm. They had receieved the information about Susan Storm's arrival back on Earth, so their targets would be Reed Richards, Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm.

'Richards and Grimm have been found, sir,' an agent said to his leader. 'The radiation was fatal.'

Johnny Storm was found soon after, but hope and optimism was running thin. No one was meant to survive the sheer power of the storm, but when the news of Susan Storm's survival got back to SHIELD, there was question on whether they knew anything about astrodynamics and happenings.

'Sir?' another agent came up to the leader of the group. 'He's fading but... Storm's alive.'

'Get him back on the ship.'

'Yes, sir.'


'When I woke up, SHIELD explained what happened,' Johnny went on. 'I knew you had survived, but SHIELD was working on monitoring your adaption to the radiation. I wasn't allowed to come see you. No matter how much I wanted to... but I knew I would at some point.'

'But when I was here on the helicarrier. You could've come found me.'

'I didn't know how to tell you. It's not a regular occurence to have your sibling rise from the dead. Looking back on it now, it probably would've been better if I did come find you...'

The siblings sat in Johnny's quarters. Sue was baffled by everything she told him about waking up, SHIELD protecting his identity, and the miracle of him being alive. SHIELD said that even though Sue was protected by the radiation gear she wore on the Marvel-1, Johnny's situation was still yet to be explained. He had the same changes as her, yet no severe deformities or illness. They didn't know what made him different from Reed Richards or Ben Grim. It was all still in need of research and investigation.

'But... but you were dead...' Sue felt the unearthing of all the emotions she felt when seeing him under the red fluorescents. 'I saw you. You weren't breathing and...'

'I know. I still can't get my head around it either.'

'You were in their watchlist. You were in the files as a potential threat.'

'They had to be prepared for if I escaped. You should have seen me when I found out that they had a freezing agent installed in my room in case of an unauthorised flare up.'

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