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Manhattan was bathed in the warm sunlight of July. Clouds were dotted throughout the sky, white and absent of rain. It was the perfect day for the occasion, and New York was eager to watch the worldwide televised event from the streets. With barricades set up by the local police to keep the crowds at bay, luxurious cars rolled up to the building where the ceremony was being held.

'Over here, Miss Romanoff!'

'Have you spoken with the happy couple at all, Mr Barton?!'

'Colonel Rhodes! Will there be any military posted at the ceremony?! Do you think it'll be safe?!'

Reporters pushed at the barricades with microphones in their outstretched hands. News cameras followed each car that pulled to a stop and zoomed in on each guest that stepped out onto the strip of red carpet. The strip of velvet crimson was thrown out over the grey steps that led up to the double doors, which were held open by SHEILD agents whose forefingers sat glued to their earpieces. Agents were also dotted along the barriers, standing beside the police officers that were under the illusion that they had full control on the event.

A news reporter was stood at the barricade with a microphone held up to her chest. She grinned at the camera that was held up by her collegue, who eyed her through the lens. The footage was live as it broadcasted all over the world, dubbed in foreign languages and altered by rivalling news channels.

'They're calling it the wedding of the century!' she said over the cheering crowds. 'We can see Colonel James Rhodes arriving with Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff. More members of the Avengers are said to be attending the wedding of Tony Stark and Susan Storm, and we hope to see them later on today. Also known as Iron Man and The Invisible Woman, the super couple are set to try and tie the knot today in the private ceremony.'

Natasha held a scowl on her face as she waited for Clint to stop smiling at the cameras and waving at fans. She was dressed in a royal blue dress that skimmed her ankles and her red hair was curled over her bare shoulders. Clint wore a black suit, his light hair styled upwards by Laura. Laura and their children had been flown in by helicopter at Sue's personal request, as she knew the woman wasn't comfortable with having the celebrity status as Hawkeye's wife. But Clint wasn't bothered with the publicity and even signed a bow and arrow that a young fan held out past the barricades.

'Will you hurry up?' Natasha said in a hushed voice to Clint, Rhodey stood behind her. The Colonel wore his war medals on the left breast of his beige suit. A walking stick was secured in his hand to support his right leg, as his recovery from paralysis hindered his ability to walk unaided. But he had made progress that doctors weren't sure could ever be made. His leg was stiff as he did his best to hobble along the red carpet, slightly embarassed to be photographed in his injured state.

'I'm just playing the part,' Clint defended, smiling at the boy who stared at Hawkeye's signature on his bow.

Natasha rolled her eyes and helped Rhodey up the stairs. The man thanked her, the crowd rolling into another roar when a yellow Ferrari pulled to a stop. Reporters were blocked by police officers when the driver's door opened. Johnny Storm stepped out with Ray Bans over his eyes and grinned at the screaming women and flashing cameras. His suit was identical to Rhodey's and was neatly pressed and tailored to his physique. His blonde hair was slicked back and a light stubble grew on his cheeks and chin.

Making his way to the passenger side of the yellow Ferrari, Johnny opened the door and Pepper Potts stepped out. Her dress was a light purple, and her orange hair was curled into a half up, half down do. Her attire would only be temporary as her bridesmaid dress and shoes were waiting for her inside the building.

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