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Sue was out of the fight. Johnny and the silver surfer battled, and she watched helplessly from the sidewalk. She looked to her right, where she saw Stephen be thrown into a building by the smaller alien. Wong attempted to help his friend but was overpowered and pushed to the side. The smaller alien wrapped Stephen in wires and pipes that protruded from the building behind him, tightening the cords around his neck.

'You'll find... removing a dead man's spell... troublesome,' he let out in chokes, as the smaller alien attempted to grab the pendant from his chest. Stephen had casted a spell on the stone, to prevent anyone from removing it.

'You'll only wish you were dead.'

Stephen fell unconscious but was flown away by his cape that seemed to have a mind of its own. The alien attempted to grab him, but he was pulled towards the park, where Tony was being heavily beaten by the larger alien.

Turning to the battle further down the street, the human-sized alien sneered at the silver surfer's distraction.

'The Stone! After the Stone!'

The surfer heard its partner's pleas abandoned its fight. It mustered a blast that sent Johnny metres away, before turning its board into the direction of central park. Johnny regained his stature and refused to let the alien get away. He soared forward; his eyes focused on the back of the silver entity.

'Kid!' Tony saw Stephen fly past with his cape as his driver. 'That's the wizard! Get on it!'

'On it!'

Peter Parker had arrived at central park clad in his Spiderman suit. He had been on a school excursion to the Museum of Modern Art, when the spaceship was seen hovering over New York City. He was able to slip away from his class on the school bus without being noticed and was ecstatic to see Tony Stark in battle with a giant alien.

A web flew out from his wrists and pulled him after Stephen, the boy swinging through the air. He went to shoot another web to swing to the left, only to have the silver surfer shoot by and cut what would have been his lifeline.

'Woah!' Peter let out. With his quick reflexes, the Parker was able to attach another web to a lamppost, swinging himself around to keep himself airborne.


Peter squinted as orange and yellow flames appeared next to him. Johnny flew parallel with Peter's leaping and swinging figure, the two racing through Manhattan after Stephen and his Cape of Levitation.

'Woah, hey Mr Storm!' Peter cried. 'You're after the wizard too?!'

Johnny went to answer but was attacked from behind. A blast hit his back, sending him forward and down towards the road. His inferno simmered and he collided with a mailbox, denting its metal and leaving scorched marks from his heat. He thudded against the cement, its grain scraping his skin and ripping through his clothes. He came to a sliding stop and his arms fell beside him. Consciousness hung around for a moment, before his head fell back and the Storm was out of the chase.

'Mr Storm!' Peter cried but was also knocked by a blast. The smaller alien flew past him as Peter was thrown into a billboard, earning him a 'Not cool!'

With Johnny out and Peter doing his best to keep Doctor Stephen Strange out of the surfer and the small alien's grip, Wong made his way to central park. Bruce was curled up under a tree attempting to bring out The Hulk, and Tony battled the largest of the two aliens. His repulsors fired shots and weapons deployed from his suit. Out of instinct, Tony looked to the side of his screen where FRIDAY would usually display Sue's vitals. But when he saw the word 'OFFLINE' displayed over what would be her data, he let out a 'tsk' from being blind to her status.

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