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'Tony! Hey, Tony!'

Sue forced him to turn his gaze back down to her. The glare he sent out to find the man who shouted faltered from his drunken state, but Sue wasn't certain he wouldn't use his repulsors once he found him. Sue had to admit that he was intimidating in the Iron Man suit. It gave him at least half a foot on top of his already tall frame and she was barely eyelevel with the arc reactor that glowed through his suit. His shoulders were broad, and Sue couldn't help but notice how the hotrod red of the suit shaped around his arms.

'It's time to pack it up-' Sue started but caught sight of the shattered glass that littered the kitchen floor. 'What happened back here?'

'I was trying to show Pepper the door.'

Sue raised an eyebrow but lowered it when she saw Tony wasn't going to bother to explain. Dropping the subject, the woman took the bottle out of his mechanical hand and held it in both of hers.

'Tell everyone to go home. I understand why you're doing this, but you should at least remember your birthday if its going to be your last,' she said in a soft tone and Tony stiffened at the hint towards the reason of his actions. 'Tonight's over.'

He looked like he was listening to her for a moment. She was hopeful as mumbles rang throughout the room from people thinking they were going to have leave. If they could get the room cleared by three, she could make it home by four and get some sleep before the meeting she had tomorrow.

'Can I just say?' Tony lowered his head, and she resisted the gag that came from the smell of his alcoholic breath. 'You look amazing tonight'

'I... I do?' she questioned. 'I'm in a denim jacket and the suit you gave back to me in a plastic bag.'

'Maybe it's just all the time, then...'

Sue stood in shock as Tony displayed a small smile on his face. Even though it was slightly lopsided from the way his head was spinning from the alcohol, it did make her stomach flutter. Her mind went blank as she stared at the billionaire in his metal suit. She opened her mouth to let out some jibberish, when the voice of James Rhodes boomed,

'I'm only going to say this once!'

The party turned to James who stood in Tony's silver Iron Man suit. Tony sobered up and Sue took a step away from him, seeing James look around with a face of fury.

'Get out,' the mask fell shut and the eyes of the suit lit up. Everyone scurried towards the lobby, Pepper caught up in there somewhere.

Sue followed the crowd when she saw Tony and James have a stare off. She didn't want to get caught in between whatever would happen between then and she knew Tony wasn't one to back down from a fight. Especially not when someone has put on one of his own suits.

The party gathered outside but didn't head back to their cars. They watched through the floor to ceiling glass windows as Sue caught up to Pepper. Natalie appeared from the other side of the lobby; her dress just as tight as always.

'Miss Potts, are you okay-'

'Don't you start with me!' Pepper cried in anger. Natalie stopped and watched carefully at her boss's accusing finger that pointed at her. 'I'm on to you! You know every since you came here, it's been-'

James and Tony fell through the ceiling and collided with the grand piano. It collapsed under the weight of the two metal suits and debris littered the floor. Screams came from the party outside, and Pepper shrieked as the best friends wrestled while getting to their feet. Sue watched with wide eyes as Tony picked up what looked like part of the lid of the piano that was destroyed and spun to throw it like frisbee. James raised his arm and blocked the solid wood, sending it flying in Pepper, Natalie and Sue's direction.

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