Chapter 49 - Unspoken words

Start from the beginning

"N-Noah..." Lucius mumbled, watching Noah's eyes again turn red.

"You don't know anything! You have no idea what goes on in my head!" Noah said, jabbing a finger against his temple.

"Then tell me!" Lucius countered, "But don't think you could scare me away!"

"I am scared of myself! How the hell aren't you afraid?" Noah demanded, his eyes returning to normal as he took in a deep breath to try and calm the scorching anger inside himself.

"Because I know, I KNOW that you will not hurt me." Lucius replied.

"Then what the hell did you think yesterday was?!" Noah demanded, his hand darting out to grab Lucius's shirt, "Was that not enough for you? Do you want it to get to the point where it is too late for you to forgive me?"

"Noah, that won't happen." Lucius said, his eyes sure of his own words.

Noah groaned as he shoved Lucius away, letting go of his collar, "I don't want to lose my mind again, only to wake up to your corps! I will not be the reason you die again! I won't!"

"Noah, you can control it! I can help you, just like before. I will be here for you! I will not let you go through that alone."

"There is nothing you could do!" Noah yelled, "Nothing to stop this! Lucius, it is not love anymore!" Lucius froze at Noah's words, "It is not love it is desperation! We cannot live without each other, and that is... insane! We cannot be together, and that is even worse. But how could we be in love when all we try to do is save each other? It is no longer love. It is nothing, but a sad, pathetic attempt at being alive."

For a long moment Lucius stared at him in silence before he muttered, "Is that truly what you feel?"

Noah's lips parted, about to speak but not sure what to say before he whispered, "I don't know..."

Lucius's thumb rubbed against the edge of the counter, his eyes trailing it before a soft sad smile appeared on his lips as he said quietly, "Honestly, it lasted longer than I thought it would. It is true that I wished for more but it doesn't mean I didn't think you would finally realize that. After all, I have been trying to convince you that there are others out there for you, haven't I?"

"Lu-..." Noah started saying but Lucius cut him off.

"It doesn't mean I won't care about you anymore. It doesn't mean that I won't be there for you." Lucius said, looking back at him as he took a step closer, "It's alright. I understand, just please... don't be angry anymore. Don't be scared either, because you are strong enough to control your power." Lucius reach for him again, about to touch his cheek but then pulled his hand away, thinking Noah wouldn't want to be touched by him just yet. Instead he turned around, about to leave when Noah grabbed his wrist. Lucius didn't turn back to him, he wasn't sure he could hold back his feelings any longer if he stayed there so he grabbed Noah's wrist with his other hand as he said, "Noah, not now alright..." as he pushed Noah's hand away, he felt a piece of him break. He forced his feet to move as he left the kitchen, walking further away from Noah, heading upstairs to his room to hide there, to cry his feelings away, hoping that would be enough.

"Noah..." Noah's eyes looked up from the ground, meeting Rob's emerald ones that reminded him so much of when Lucius was a prince. "Why did you do that?"

Noah didn't realize his tears were trailing down his face until he sniffled, his nose stuffed from the many drops that fell from his eyes. He shook his head at Rob, not ready to talk yet himself he turned around, walking out the kitchen's side door that led outside.

"Make sure he's alright." Leon muttered to Blayth who pecked his temple, already getting up.

"On it." He said, going after Lucius.

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