Her eyes sparkled in happiness after 6 months of feeling empty, her arms wrapped around Newt warmly as she kept muttering 'thank you' plenty of time in his shoulder, Newt smiled warmly at the girl and ruffled her hair softly.

"Thank you Newt, so much! FINALLY!" she exclaimed running out of the room in excitement, pure joy finally could be seen in her eyes as she had a bright smile on her lips, her heart leaped up for joy as hope bloomed inside her.


Asterin was the type of girls who will get you on your knees for her just with a wink or flying kiss, will call you a good boy or good girl, the type who would place her heels on your back or chest to keep you on the ground knowing that no one will be on her level, the type who would do anything to show the world that women are powerful, the type who would still look attractive with blood on her face.

That, was Asterin, the real one who swore that one day, W.C.K.D's blood will be on her hand and painting her face wonderfully like a real life walking painting she will proudly smile while watching them slowly die.

That was her goal and plan for now.

The sound of the door opening snapped her out of thoughts and there stood Thomas would crossed arms, she smiled at the boy slowly wrapping the roll of bandage around her hand after working out.

"Tommy, great to see you, what's up?" She asked slowly turning to look at the boy while chugging down the water, "I want to train with you." He said making her choke, she coughed and turned to face the boy who was panicking and didn't know what to do.

"You want to train with me?" She said slightly chuckling, "yes."


"Because It pisses me off how i don't even know how to block a punch, so please just teach me how to block hits." He said watching as she finally gave ul and slowly made her way to the center if the platform, Thomas was confused and only stood at the door, "well, what are you waiting for? Me to carry you?"

In a blink of an eye, Thomas stood in front of her ready to learn. "So, what should we do first? There is a lot of methods, i'll show you one before teaching you so, punch me." She said as if it was the most normal thing to say.

Thomas seemed to be startled by her words and stopped dead in his track, "what?" He asked, "punch me. Oh just do it, if you don't then you're a complete pussy and i will call you that from now on." She said making him narrow his eyes and get read to punch her.

Just before his punch could touch her she caught his wrist and the next thing he knew was him on the ground groaning in pain, god it felt like his nose was broken but it wasn't. Her punch was deadly and he could feel the world spinning but soon stood up and got ready.

In a blink of an eye he couldn't feel the pain and Asterin immediately backed away, "I'm so sorry Tommy-" she was panicking and Thomas had to flick her forehead to stop her from rambling, "stop apologizing, i asked for it now will you teach me or no?" Asterin rolled her eyes and got ready once again.

"So if you basically want to stop a punch, you grab their wrist and punch them straight into the face especially the nose to show them real pain, bring your arms up in front of your face to block an oncoming punch. Let's go. Show me what you got." The two started fighting, Asterin threw punches really fast and Thomas kept blocking them skillfully and dodging them like he's been trained for years until he punched her straight into the nose making her fall to the ground.

She held her jaw feeling the metallic taste of blood in the corner of her mouth but she still had a proud smile on her lips, "atta boy, learning from the best." She could see the panic in his eyes and how he felt bad for punching her to the point where she was bleeding, "I am so sorry Asterin please don't punch me-" she could sense the fear in his tone.

"Oh please, Tommy, quit it." She said making her way towards the sink spitting the blood from her mouth and washing her face to get rid of the blood and pain, "so how's Newt?" She asked trting to brush off the pain.

Thomas was taken back by her question and replied confusingly, "how's Newt, he's alright i guess?" He knew what she was trying to say, about his feelings towards the second in command and tried to not get her question but Asterin knew that he was trying to ignore his feeling and she was getting sick of it.

"Stop being a pussy." She said in annoyance, "I'm not a pussy, i can't just tell him out of no where, it's weird." He snapped back with the same attitude, "give him at least a compliment, give him a hint to make him happy, Thomas. You can smart but only so stupid that i want to punch you again." She said with a sigh.

"At least, say for example that you love his personality, anything, just don't leave him rejected like that okay, he has been into you ever since you got here, okay?" With that she walked out of no room leaving him hanging there, maybe he should compliment him, just the thought of the blonde into him or liking him made him blush.

What should he tell him though?

'Hey i like your hair!' No. That's cringe

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now