Chapter 45 - Blood

Start from the beginning

"You and I both." Blayth sighed.

"Would you tell me about them?" Noah asked softly, "About our parents... about your life with them. Would you tell me if mother was kind? If she was sweet and caring? Would you tell me if she sang to you when you were a child, what she sang, what she sounded like?" Noah felt his eyes fill with tears, "Would you share it with me? What I had missed?" Noah said before recalling the bitterest truth as he whispered, "And would you forgive me for not being there to protect you from our father? All those years that he'd hurt you and I wasn't there to keep him from harming you... god, Blayth, I am sorry I wasn't there for you."

"It's not like you could have been there..." Blayth said, his eyes dropping as he muttered, "It's not like either of us knew we had a brother."

"Have." Noah said, lifting Blayth's chin, "You have me. And by extension a crazy sister and..." he turned to the two, Ren wiping her eyes as Lazarus patted her shoulder, looking at Noah when he turned to him. "And a father I wish would have raised you as well."

Lazarus gave him a soft smile as he stepped up to them, saying, "So this means a welcome to the family is in order."

Blayth looked at Lazarus as he muttered, "How is it that I owe Zach for this?"

"You owe him nothing." Lazarus said, "He has put Lucius and us through hell. This was the least he could do. All he did was tell the truth for once in his life. Does not mean he is redeemed from all his past sins. All it means is that now you know you have a brother, and that your brother is still alive and well."

Noah found himself muttering the same words he'd said the other day, before Blayth and him decided to do the test to determine their relation to each other. "I wish Lu was here."

"I think he wishes he was here for this too." Ren said as she stepped up to Noah, wrapping an arm around his back. "He'd be so happy for you both." She then chuckled as she said, "He'd say it was a cause for celebration and make us throw a party."

"He would." Blayth nodded.

Noah looked at him right before a tear slipped from his eyes, wiping it as he said, "Then we celebrate."

"Will you help me prepare something for dinner, Leon?"

"I'll help too." Ren said.

"Please don't, you are a disaster in the kitchen." Blayth deadpanned.

"Don't mind him, Ren. Your cooking is amazing." Liam piped in, making everyone look at him as if he was crazy, but all he focused on was the sweet smile Ren gave him.

"You can cook for Liam then." Blayth said, smirking when he saw Liam gulp, "Not so sure now, are you?"

"We can tell everyone at dinner." Ren said.

Blayth looked at Noah before asking, "You are fine telling everyone?"

"It is nothing shameful." Noah said, "I am proud to have you as a brother, Blayth. I really am."

"Awe, he's blushing." Ren teased, making him glare at her.

"Shut up. Does she really have to be a sister by extension?" Blayth asked, making everyone laugh.

"Oh, you know you love having me as your sister. I am the one who should be complaining. Now I'm stuck with two annoying big brothers and that should at least win me a medal." She sighed.

"How do you deal with this every day?" Blayth asked Noah with a frown.

Noah glanced at Ren, a weak smile on his face as he muttered, "I don't know where I'd be without her."

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