•56• Return of Agony

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One year later

It was yet another beautiful morning, beautiful indeed but not for her. She laid on the bed wide awake and beside her was her daughter sleeping in her crib. It had been three days and each day she woke up drenched in her own sweat breathing rapidly in loud gasps.

The beads of perspiration lined her forehead and her throat itched with every gulp. Her eyes travelled down to her little angel who tossed and turned in her tiny blanket trying so hard to come out of that blanket wrapped around her body.

Y/n gazed at her for a while and a little sigh escaped her lips. Someone really needed her at the moment and she couldn't let herself fall apart like that. She dragged herself off the soft mattress and bent down picking up Kiaraa, her head gently resting on her mother's chest. Y/n jumped a little when she felt someone's hand on her shoulder only for her to turn around and come face to face with Jungkook.

"You alright? ", he asked with a hint of doubt seeing her face abnormally red. His hand outstretched touching her forehead trying to check for any fever but she stopped him holding his hand with hers.

" I'm absolutely fine. ", she said flashing him a small smile which felt quite absurd to him.

" Are you sure, baby? ", he asked further stepping forward but she just nodded while gently handing her daughter to him. She turned away entering the bathroom and splashed water on her face several times until her eyes burned a little due to the force she used with the water.

She looked up in the mirror and stared at her reflection, her palm clutching the faucet tightly. Her eyes suddenly fixated on the scar above her right eye. It was a faint white bumpy line, almost unnoticable. It looked like it must have hurt really bad at the time of injury.

She closed her eyes remembering the time she was at orphanage garden with the other kids at noon. She took a deep breath as her eyes burned more in reminiscing that memory. She recalled how she loved that small swing at the corner of the garden and every kid used to fight to have their chance to have a ride on it. It was finally her turn but as she sat down on it and starting swinging, she saw the other kids retreating to the back door from there. Before she could get up from there, she felt someone push her from behind fueling the speed of her swing. Her hands quickly clutched the chains of the swing trying not to fall from it.

"So you're enjoying, that too without me. Not fair. ", he said clicking his tongue again pushing her harder making her eyes widen in terror and panic. With one final push, she fell from the swing scraping her knees on the pebbly floor. She was lifted off the floor with a harsh tug on her arm and he squashed her face and leaned forward in an attempt to kiss her but she shook her face violently trying to get out of his grip.

His finger nails dug deeper in her face till it drew blood and he placed his mouth on hers forcefully and kissed her roughly biting on them. Her eyes travelled to the back door and she saw the kids peeping from there with different expressions. Some were too small to realise what was happening and giggled her while some looked at her disgustingly. A few of them who were her age stood there with their eyes not meeting hers. As he left her mouth with a final peck, she felt metallic taste in her mouth and realised that her lips were bleeding after that assault. His hollow eyes followed her eyes and looked at the kids at the back door and then at her broken form. A sinister smile played on his lips as he held a fistful of her hair in a tight tug and dragged her on the concrete ground further damaging her scraped knees.

He held her face right at the front of the swing and pulling the metallic chains back ready to leave it. Her eyes blurred with tears couldn't register what was happening until the hard metal hit her face with a loud thud and she felt warm blood oozing out. A loud gasp could be heard from where the kids were standing but no one moved an inch to help her.

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