Being four days overdue with a baby that was due to weigh ten pounds was killing me. My parents had flown down last week and would be staying with us for a couple of weeks to help with the baby, and I was very thankful. With the mortality rates of black women giving birth in a hospital, I decided to go with a doula and water birth. Still, the idea of not having drugs and the nightmares of me ripping from my asshole to my vagina made me rethink my decision. And having my husband and our parents trying to make me feel better was getting annoying. Everything was getting annoying. I just wanted our daughter out NOW.

"Um, Charlotte." I looked over, expecting Thor to be looking at me, but instead, I found him looking panicked at the ground.

"What? Are you okay?"

"Charlotte, your water broke!" Edward exclaimed, causing the rest of our parents to come rushing into the room.

I looked down, and sure enough, my thighs and the medicine ball I was sitting on were wet, and there was a small puddle on the floor.

"Well, shit." Not even a second after I said that, Thor passed out.


"I can't do this! I'm a bitch. Take me to the hospital now!" I yelled from the confine of my birthing tub as my doula, mom, and Thor tried to keep me calm. Thor had tried to get into the pool with me, but the thought of us both in my birth juice grossed me out, so he just sat on the side. Our dads were in the other room just waiting it out.

"No daughter of mine is a bitch. So, baby, I'm going to need you to listen to the good doula and push." my mom cheered me on.

"I can't."

"You can." Thor chimed in.

"Says the man who passed out at the sign of amniotic fluid."

He rolled his eyes. When he had passed out a few hours ago, I was glad my dad had made sure to have smelling salts on hand. Once I knew he was okay, I couldn't help but laugh; watching your man crumble to the ground at a bit of fluid was a little funny.

"I see her head!" Megan, my doula, beamed, "Come on, mama, one more big push."

"AAAAAHHHH!" I screamed, giving all my might; seconds later, I felt no pressure and heard the piercing screams of my daughter. Feeling Thor kiss the side of my head, I laid my forehead down and blow-up pool. Thor and my mom slowly helped me turn around in the tub, and once done, Megan laid my baby girl on my chest.

"She's perfect." I cried.

Looking into her beautiful brown eyes, I felt Thor slide into the water next to me. So caught up in the moment, I didn't care about what I said before. "Look at how perfect she is." I cried, looking at Thor, who kissed my forehead again, whispering how good I did and how much he loved us.

The moment was cut short with Megan letting Thor cut the cord. My mom left to let everyone know she was finally here, although I'm sure they heard her, and after checking to make sure everything was okay, Megan went as well.

"She everything," he whispered as she laid on his naked chest. His fingers caressed her full but lightly colored hair, her large brown eyes looking into his blue ones.

"She is. Our little Kajsa Sloane Nyygard." I whispered, kissing her head.

Thor's head snapped up to look at me, shock overtaking his face. We had discussed an endless amount of baby names and none of them felt right until I saw her, and I knew, and I knew she would be named after the grandmother who she'd never get the meet.

"Really?" Thor started tearing up again, "Are you sure?"

I nodded, looking down at our daughter, who had fallen asleep. "I have never been more sure of anything in my life Thor. You've been so worried that somehow you'd end up like your monster of a sperm donor, but that was never going to be true. Thor, you love me fiercely, and I know you already love our daughter just as much. Your mom loved you so much that she tried everything to ensure you and your siblings knew that and had some happiness growing up. Naming our daughter after the woman who gave you to me, the woman who just wanted her children to have this one day." I moved my hand around the room. "It's an easy decision."

"I love you so much." He smiled at me, all misty-eyed and beautiful. I knew he would protect me, Kajsa, and our future children with everything in him. I know Thor still sometimes thought of himself as a monster, and even though he was excited when I told him I was pregnant, I could see how it also stressed him out. He was so scared. But I knew he would hurt himself before ever hurting us. Thor was a provider, a son, a husband, and now a father. He was never some monster in the wood.

"I love you too, God of Thunder. Let's call Megan back here so we can clean up and introduce little Freya to her family."

"I love the way that sounds.




First and foremost, I want to thank you all for rocking with me for the past four years it took me to complete this story. Writing this story was emotionally taxing because of the subject matter and the things in my personal life that happened while I was writing it (IYKYK).

I don't know if I will be writing any more stories on Wattpad; if I do, they will be short stories. My next goal is to publish all my finished stories and the ones I have coming up.

No matter what I decide, I will not be releasing anything new unless I am almost done; I'm sure you guys are tired of waiting years for a story to be finished, and so am I.

Hopefully, you guys will be willing to follow me on my next journey, and if not, thank you for everything.

I leave you with a little something-something for the next possible story.


"WE NEED BACK UP NOW! The prisoners have us outnumbered!"

"What about ground level, is ground level secure?"

"Sir I can't see anything down here!"

"Do you have eyes on The Asset?!"

"Someone tell me if you have eyes on The Asset?!"

"Sir she isn't in her cell."


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