Chapter 43 - Rift

Start from the beginning

"What did I tell you yesterday, Cole?" Lazarus asked the trembling boy. "What your father did was not love. It was his weakness. His inability to become a man that led him to what he did. As long as I draw breath, no one will lay a hand on you, understood? I swear to you on my life."

"You know..." Cole guessed, his frown deepening.

"Lucius told me. If I am to protect everyone I needed to know. To understand what I should do." Lazarus explained.

"If it is sympathy you are offering, I do not want it." Cole insisted, wiping his tears roughly, trying to be brave like he was used to, at least act as if he was, "I don't need it."

"Not sympathy, my boy. I wouldn't belittle you." Lazarus said, "What you have been through is more than a normal man would have. You are strong. Brave to still hold your head high after what you endured. Don't lose that. I draw strength from it when I see you." Lazarus told him sincerely, "But if it is a front, Cole, you don't have to take it with me. I will protect your secret, as I will protect you. So when it becomes too much to handle, I am here for you."

It took Cole a few moments to believe that Lazarus wasn't lying. Looking him in the eyes long enough to realize that his words were true. He saw deceit in everyone else, but not Lazarus. He felt safe around him. So when Lazarus ignored his instinct when he saw the tears gathered in Cole's eyes and pulled him to his chest, Cole stiffened, but then, not too long after, as Lazarus's hand merely caressed his hair, did he relax, letting himself cry for the very first time. He let his walls tumble. Walls that shouldn't have been there for a child his age. He fell apart in the strong arms that supported him, letting him know he wasn't alone anymore. He hadn't cried for himself. For his mother's death. He didn't cry for the pain he went through. For a childhood robbed from him. Not until that moment, and he didn't hold back as he wept. Because that was the moment he knew his siblings were finally safe, as the arms that held him did not bring him harm, not once since they met.

Lazarus whispered soft words to Cole, wishing he'd calm down, but he didn't let go of him, not until Cole himself was ready for it, and even after his tears stopped, he clung to Lazarus still, soaking in the warmth the big hand against his head gave, the strong embrace that promised safety from anything wanting to harm him. "Please don't let us down..." Cole whispered, his voice hoarse from crying.

"I am teaching you to fight, Cole. If I ever do, don't hesitate to take your revenge." Lazarus said with a small laugh, not letting go of Cole.

"Thank you, sir... for everything." Cole muttered.

"Lazarus is fine, son. No need for formalities. I think we are past that." Lazarus said as Cole finally sat up, Lazarus reaching over to wipe his tears away, heart aching to see the reddened eyes and face. "Let's get you cleaned up and ready for dinner, yeah?" Lazarus spoke softly. Cole nodded, getting to his feet as told and going to wash his face.

"Is Cole fine?" Lorena asked as she stepped into the library, having seen him walking out.

"He will be. He got riled up when he saw Leon hitting Blayth."

"Are you serious?" Lorena said in anger, "He did it again?"

"Can you talk to them? Make sure it doesn't happen. If it does the two will have me to deal with." Lazarus said, "Blayth's out back. I will be preparing dinner now, come help once you've spoken to him. I doubt Leon will help after what happened earlier."

"Alright." She said, already heading to the back door. She found Blayth sitting on the steps of the porch that lead to the backyard. She sighed as she sat beside him, looking away with a frown when she saw the smudged blood under his nose. "Why aren't you fighting back? Defending yourself? This isn't like you."

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