He heard a sequence of thuds. Some heads had fallen from a body.

This time he could see the faces, but the heads were no longer attached to their bodies. Yoongi watched his six closest friends bounce and roll in his direction as they were thrown. He felt he could finally be sick.

His lip curled together, and he kissed his teeth. He gagged. His body felt like lead coursed through his veins instead of blood.

All his friends were disfigured and hacked into something grotesque. It hurt. A watery layer started to glaze his eyes. So, he kept his gaze on the sky.

If Yoongi looked forward, he would see an army holding his brother's decapitated bodies, and if he looked down, it was the body he refused to acknowledge the identity. He couldn't bear to look any direction other than up because Yoongi thought he might die if he looked again.

Before he could register what was happening, the ring of people swarmed him. They all ran at full speed, not even stopping to step over the bodies until they reached him. Yoongi didn't even have time to brace himself for the dozens of blades slicing his body.

He gripped the dead girl tighter and tighter until he could hold on no more.

There was no harsh jolt or cry Yoongi just woke up. Plain and simple. However, he had woken to a horrible heavy feeling in the depths of his stomach. He felt it before anything else. It was like a piece of soldering hot coal was burning a deep hole in his abdomen.

He proceeded to make a mental check of his body. Nothing was hurt or out of place. There were no sword-shaped holes in his stomach, and his back wasn't bleeding out.

Nevertheless, there was still this dreadful feeling. One that would usually pass after realising the nightmare wasn't real.

His belly began to churn, his throat was burning and felt scratchy, and he could tase something slickly sweet coming up from his stomach into his mouth.

Yoongi let out a deep breath. It wasn't real. It was just his imagination mixing with his fears while he slept. It never happened. He kept taking deep breaths hoping the oxygen would expel the dream from his body. But, the dreadful feeling didn't leave, nor did the images of all his friend's heads rolling towards him like he hoped it would.

It kept replaying and replaying non-stop until it was too much for his mind to keep at bay.

As quietly as he could, he stood up to check on each of the boys.

With strained eyes in the dark, he looked over each of them. First, the boys closest to him. They had drawn the short straw and, much like Yoongi, were sleeping on a roll mat on the floor. The three youngest were wrapped in blankets on the mattress. All untouched and sound asleep.

A sigh of relief pushed past his lips. They were all ok. Of course, they were. It was a dream. Without a noise, he sat back down. He didn't have to try to know he couldn't fall asleep again. 

Not at that moment anyway.

He still felt sick.

Maybe a walk was the best way to feel better.

The cold air bit at his ear relentlessly. Yoongi tried to keep them warm with his hands, but they were just as freezing. He began to instantly regret not grabbing a fur on his way out.

Winter was on its way. Yoongi didn't like winter. Winter was cold and brought a whole set of problems with it, from food to dry wood for fires. Also, the black of the clothes and the white of the snow contrasted too strongly for his liking.

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