Chapter 4: Getting Answers and Rebellion

Start from the beginning


'WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE GIRLS, I'M TOO FUCKING YOUNG TO LOSE MY VIRGINITY?!' Nawin yell mentally as he is currently running away from the fangirls "Ahhh Nawin-kun wait up" "We just want to talked to you" "Marry Me!" That last comment make the Makasha feel sick to his stomach as he starts to run faster.

"Just a week in Kuoh Academy and this happens, I swear to god the universe hates me" Nawin mutter and looks behind to see about 20 girls chasing him. 'Okay I need to find a way to get rid of them but what' Nawin starts looking around then he spots an abandon japanese style house.

'There! it seems like a kind of place I can hide until the fangirls give up and it's also a nice time to test if these things I picked up works' Nawin pulls out a small black ball from his pocket and throw it behind him 'BOOM!' black smoke explodes surrounding the girls "Waoh! What is this" "I can't see anything!" "Hey someone touch my butt!" Nawin takes this time and dash for the abandoned house.

In The Abandon House

"Huh finally I lost them" Nawin mutters leaning against the door after catching his breath for a minute the Makasha gets up and looks around the place to find himself in a dark living room even though outside of the house appearance is Japanese architect style the inside looks more modern.

"Hmm this place is quite clean I thought it would be filled with spider web and dust" Nawin comment touching the table to find no dust, suddenly he hears a footstep 'What the hell? Is someone living here' He question mentally. Nawin start walking quietly to the noise direction "Gezz it feels like I'm in one of those horror movies" He mutter finding himself in a dark spooky hallway 'Hey is that light coming from that door" Nawin looks at the end of the hallway to see a door and hear more footsteps coming from it.

After a few silence skilled walk Nawin reach the door hearing the footsteps getting loader, it almost sounds like the person is dancing. He opens the door slightly and quietly taking a peek to see a beautiful shrine and a girl around his age dancing gracefully around it.

Nawin examines the girl appearance, she have buxom figure with very long black raven hair and shining beautiful violet eyes, her hair fall loose reaching to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top, her attire consist of a white haori with red accents, a red hakam, and a pair of zori with white tabi.

'Is she a shrine maiden here?' Nawin question while debating whether to leave or say hi to this person suddenly the girl stops and turns to the door "You can come in now I know your hiding behind the door" she orders 'Huh well there goes about being stealthy, I would make solid snake proud' Nawin mutter sarcastically before opening the door and walk in seeing the girl looking at him blankly.

"Mind telling me why you're in my house" The unnamed girl ask glaring at the Makasha "I was chased by a group of fangirls and spot this abandoned house so I went in to hide waiting for them to give up" Nawin reply bluntly making the raven haired raise an eyebrow.

"I see... You're from Kuoh Academy to" The girl said looking at his uniform "To?" Nawin ask making the girl smile "Well I'm also from Kuoh Academy, My name is Akeno Himejima" The now name Akeno introduce herself.

'So she is one of the so called Two Great Ladies of Kuoh I been hearing so much about' Nawin comment since pretty much all the boys in the school talks about them though he himself didn't really care "Well nice to meet you Himejima-san my name is Nawin Makasha" the black haired introduce himself extending his hand which Akeno take and shakes "Please just call me Akeno, Nawin-san" She reply smiling.

"Well it's nice meeting you Akeno-san, I will take my leave now since it seems I have interrupted you from your activities" Nawin said releasing the handshake and make way to the door.

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