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A/N: I'm so sorry that this story took so long to be updated! I've been feeling really unmotivated lately, and just remembered that I have a bunch of readers to entertain…
I hope you enjoy this longer-than-usual-but-still-kinda-short chapter!


The soles of Izuku's dark boots clanked against the metal flooring. Each step thundered in the halls, echoing throughout the domain. Soon, there was a creak as the door in front of him started to open.

     "Doctor, how is it?" Izuku strolled inside as though he owned the place—well, in truth, he did. But this area was his doctor's domain. He dug his hand into his pocket and took out a rather expensive-looking lighter. It had a dragon's head on the very top, and when he flicked the head up and pressed the rectangular button at the side, a blue flame lit up.

     Lighting the cigarette in his mouth, Izuku returned the lighter into the pocket of his dress pants. Once he took a deep breath in, he removed the cigarette from his teeth and blew out a puff of smoke.

     "…It's almost done," the doctor breathed, pulling out a tray of test tubes. The liquid present inside of them glowed an ominous white that seemed to light up the dim room. A smile soon crawled onto both of their faces.

     "Do you think it is prepared for testing?"

     The doctor gave a low chuckle, "Well, we have volunteers for a reason."

     "Can you guarantee that they will live?" Izuku sauntered nearer to the doctor, looking at the test tubes with stars in his eyes.

     "We'll see…"


A bellowing roar reverberated throughout the neighbourhood. Similarly, many people who had been battling against one another fell to their knees and let out scrutinising yells of agony. If one were to look closer, one would notice that their eyes were gradually transitioning into a violaceous hue and blood was beginning to leak from their sockets.

     Those that were previously fighting them backed away in surprise and fear. "What the fuck is happening to them…?"

     "I dunno, but it's gotta have somethin' to do with their boss, Decipher, since it's just happening to them…"

     Izuku grinned maliciously as he looked behind him—many of his members were starting to turn. Good; that means that this project was a success. He could only hope that the antidote would be just as effective.

     He tapped his earring twice, and it lit up. "Proceed with Plan A," he said aloud, his eyes squinting as he smiled at Shigaraki. "Let's resume, shall we?"

     Shigaraki charged toward Izuku, ducking down right before brushing his fingers against the pavement. In an instant, the stone disintegrated, leaving a crater filled with dust in its wake.

     The cloud of dust wasn't meant to obscure Shigaraki's sight, but using his telekinesis, Izuku controlled the dirt and redirected it towards his opponent. Shigaraki spun around, attempting to find his opponent through the thick haze. A moment later, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, followed by the scorching of flames on his skin.

     "…I feel like a hypocrite," came Izuku's voice through the grey fog. A plume of flame drew Shigaraki's attention, and the smoke eventually subsided. "I claim to despise Endeavour, but his Flashfire Fist is rather useful."

     "Speaking of heroes…" he continued on, "They must be helping civilians evacuate, which explains their lack of participation in this so-called war."

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