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     Emerald green eyes fluttered open and glanced around. The familiar scent and sight of Recovery Girl's office brought a smile to Izuku's soft lips. He sat up on the bed he was laying on, dragging his fingertips to the edge and pushing his legs off.

     "What a pleasant surprise," Izuku smirked, glancing to the corner of the room, where he saw his bandaged teacher attempting to blend in with the shadows. "What business may you have with me, Eraserhead?"

     Aizawa sighed contentedly, stepping out from the shadows and revealing himself. "I need to talk with you."


     The greenette hummed in amusement.

     "My, my. You intend to gain more information on my Quirks?" Izuku chuckled lightly, raising his hand to muffle the scarily adorable noise that escaped his throat.

     The underground hero shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He had almost forgotten that the child he was speaking to was in fact a villain boss. The greenette just did not look the part.

     Izuku raised four fingers, confusing Aizawa enough for the hero to raise an eyebrow. "Four Quirks."

     It took far too long for Aizawa to register what the boy meant. Izuku had four Quirks. The underground hero stood up in alarm, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape and brows furrowed.

     "That's impossible!"

     In response, Izuku leisurely lowered his hands onto his lap and closed his eyes, smiling fondly. He knew this would be the hero's reaction. He had studied the man enough to acknowledge that he was someone sceptical, someone who only listened to absolute facts.

     "Yet I am solid evidence that it is in fact, possible." Izuku countered smoothly, his every word sharp and laced with certainty.

     Aizawa faltered, unable to utter a single word. It was truly a magnificent sight to be seen, and Izuku was entertained by every movement of bewilderment.

     His fun was abruptly brought to an end when the hero regained his composure, immaculately resetting himself onto the plastic chair provided for visitors.

     "Let's say it is possible, then how about you explain your Quirks?" Izuku could see the hint of uncertainty in Aizawa's eyes. He could not help the cunning smirk that graced his lips.

     "Pyrokinesis, is what I assume I should start with. You have already seen what this Quirk can do. The higher the temperature, the more burns I get," Izuku explained, igniting a small crimson flame on the palm of his hand. Not big enough to cause panic, but enough to be seen in great detail. The vibrant crimson red colour slowly turned into that of an illuminant sapphire blue. Aizawa noticed Izuku's palm start to form burn marks, and requested for the greenette to halt the display. The flame was extinguished, and Izuku's palm rapidly healed. "Since the Quirk is active, I'll explain Rapid Regeneration next. It is a similar Quirk to one of the Quirks Nomu had, but mildly slower."

     "I noticed that when you passed out after your fight with Todoroki, you didn't heal. Did you know of this outcome?" Aizawa inquired. Izuku's eyes widened slightly, and he chuckled creepily.

     "I did not. Quirks are fascinating, they work in so many different ways!" Izuku's lips stretched into a large, amused grin. His expression terrified Aizawa. How could someone so young make such a face?

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