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A Few Days Later

Izuku was sitting on his bed, scrolling through his phone. Suddenly, knocks were heard on his door.

“You may enter,” Izuku said, looking up from his phone. The door opened, revealing Tasei. “How may I aid you, Tasei?”

“We haven’t hung out in a while. Want to have a smoke outside the house?” Tasei asked, holding up a box of cigarettes. Izuku smirked, standing up.

“Let me get a change of clothing first,” Izuku said, walking to his closet. Tasei nodded and left the room.

Izuku sighed. Being a yakuza boss puts a lot of responsibility and power on your hands which, for a twelve-year-old, was quite stressful. The person who introduced smoking was none other than Tasei, who just wanted to help. Izuku has been smoking for three years, since he was twelve, with no intention of stopping whatsoever.

Izuku walked out of his room with a black elbow-length sleeved hoodie, black jogging pants and his signature red sneakers. He went to one of the elevators and pressed the ⏫(up) button.

“Hey, Izuku,” Mietto called, waving over to her superior. Izuku turned around and waved back. The red-haired female stood beside him. “Where are you off to?”

“Just outside the house to smoke with Tasei,” Izuku said, tucking his hands in his pockets. “What about you?”

The elevator door opened, and the two walked inside.

“I’m going to the arcade with my husband,” Mietto responded. Izuku nodded and looked away in jealousy. The red-haired woman sweatdropped at her boss’s reaction. “Don’t worry, Izuku. You’re very likeable, I’m sure you’ll get your lover soon.”

Izuku pouted. “I doubt Kacchan would like me back after I abandoned him,” Mietto chuckled.

“No one can stop loving you, Izuku. After all,” Mietto ruffled the greenette’s soft curls, making him whine in protest. “You’re adorable!”

“I am also a criminal!” Izuku huffed, slapping her hand away. Mietto looked at him sadly, but before she could say anything else, the elevator’s doors opened.

“Good luck, boss,” Mietto said, before walking off. After Izuku stood there for a while, then he smiled and shook his head.

“Yo, boss,” Tasei said as Izuku stood beside him. The older male passed the younger a cigarette box and gestured to his cigarette. “Mind lighting it for me?”

Izuku chuckled. “What happened to your precious lighter?” the greenette lit a flame on his index finger and lit the cigarette.

“Fell in a hole,” Tasei sighed. Izuku raised a brow and lit his own cigarette.

“How did that happen?” Izuku questioned, exhaling a puff of smoke.

Tasei shrugged. “Just happened,” The two laughed at the answer.

NEVER SMOKE OR DRINK ALCOHOL! IT’S NOT GOOD FOR YOU! Especially if you’re underage. I love baddie Deku so I just decided to add small details in! :)


Time passed, and night came. Izuku was getting tired, so he called it a night and put out his cigarette. He waved goodbye to Tasei and headed back to his room with his hands in his pockets.

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