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Izuku sat on a silky lavender couch. In front of him was a coffee table made of glass, with Nezu, Toshinori and Aizawa sitting on the opposite couch. Izuku was pleased to find that even Nezu, despite his tight schedule, attended such a short-noticed meeting. However, the greenette was slightly upset to see Aizawa all bandaged up from head to toe.

"Is this about the USJ attack?" Nezu asked curiously. Izuku glanced at the principal and merely nodded thoughtfully. The green-haired mafia leader drew a contented sigh, before opening his mouth to speak.

"I am not who I seem to be," Izuku started with. At the moment, he wished he had a drink. He speaks faintly better at conversations when he has something to distract himself from the social interaction.

"What does that mean, Midoriya?" Aizawa asked, getting slightly interested. Izuku took a deep breath and met eyes with the three teachers in front of him.

"If I tell you, you must swear to never tell anyone," Izuku threatened as he shifted uncomfortably on the couch he was sitting on. "If you do, there will be consequences."

The teachers hesitantly nodded, slightly intimidated. Izuku took a deep breath.

"When I was eight years old, my mother died in a house fire," Izuku cringed at how much his explanation was going to sound like a villain monologue.

The teachers were surprised for a moment, before they nodded. They dared not speak. The fact did not go unnoticed by Izuku as it brought a smirk to his soft lips. The condescending smirk disappeared almost as fast as it appeared when he remembered the topic at hand.

"Heroes tried to save her, to no avail. She was the light of my life, one of the reasons I felt positive for eight years. Do you know how much sorrow I felt?" The teachers' faces softened as they felt empathy for the young teen. They could imagine how it must had felt to lose someone who has been there for the majority of your life.

Well, except Toshinori.

"So I ran away," The teachers looked confused at Izuku's bold statement, silently prompting him to explain. The green-haired mafia leader seemed to read their expressions, as he continued. "I did not want to be orphaned. That would be far too troublesome."

Seeing the looks of understanding on the teachers' faces, Izuku took another deep breath.

"It was not long before I bumped into a person, a woman. Her name is Rashingu Mietto. She became my rightful guardian. Of course, she could never replace my biological mother but, she cares for me. She treats me as if I am her own flesh and blood." Izuku explained. The teachers nodded once again, silently wondering where his explanation was heading.

"When I was late eleven years old, I realised something…Heroes are not enough," Izuku's voice shifted from timid to confident, as if he was stating his opinion as an undeniable fact.

"What do you mean?" Toshinori asked. Izuku smiled sweetly at the hero, understanding his confusion.

"When heroes arrest villains, they have a slight chance to escape. That slight chance could bring upon dismay to the civilians," Izuku explained. Once again, the teachers did not understand what he was getting at. "So instead of arresting villains, what else could the heroes do?"

Seconds ticked by. As they did, Nezu's beady black eyes noticibly became slightly wider in realisation. Izuku, being as observant as ever, smirked at the display. 

"…Kill them," Nezu mumbled, his tone mixed in one of abhorrence and amusement. The other two teachers gasped at the principal's revelation.

"You…" Aizawa mumbled, staring at Izuku in an almost sickly manner. "Who are you, really?"

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