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Blood spluttered from Decipher's lips as he fell on one knee, hand coming up to cover his mouth when he felt a burning sensation in his throat. He coughed, and when he removed his hand, he saw blood splattered onto his glove.

All Might charged at All For One, managing to punch him in the face — but because he was weakened, the force wasn't as much as Decipher had hoped — causing the latter to be dragged back a few steps. Decipher sucked in a breath, only for it to hitch. Even breathing felt like his lungs were being torn apart. He tried to stand, but dropped back down. His legs felt like jelly, and there were only so much his arms could do to stop him from faceplanting onto the floor.

All For One’s bellowing laughter cut through his thoughts, everyone’s intense stares being redirected towards him. His mask was still intact, but if it wasn’t on, Decipher was certain that the cruel man would be grinning madly.

"Didn’t I tell you before?" All For One began, the giddiness in his voice not going unnoticed by anyone. "You will face repercussions, should you have another Quirk."

So that… thing… It was a Quirk? Decipher gritted his bloodied teeth, scowling at the despicable man before him. His lungs felt like they were eating themselves, and it was starting to affect his stomach, as well. Just what kind of repercussions was he implying?

Black spots started appearing in Decipher's vision, and he swayed a bit, but he didn't allow himself to succumb to unconsciousness; not amid a battle. Shakily, he rose to his feet, much to the annoyance yet fascination of All For One.

"My, even with five quirks, you are able to stand?" The villain said huffily, "I must say, I am quite impressed."

"Sh-shut…" Decipher's head was pounding. He wanted to grasp it, but his arms hung loosely by his sides, unable to follow his commands. His body was continuously twitching, and it took all he had just to speak that one word.

"It seems I underestimated your capabilities," All For One chuckled, not paying any mind to All Might, who was staring at Decipher with a mix of emotions. Shock, horror, guilt, worry… all in one complicated expression. "You know, I can get rid of your pain. All you have to do is—"

A punch to the face made All For One stumble back, growling at All Might — the hero growled defiantly. "I won't let you!"

"Tch," All For One got into a fighting stance of his own. "Even when he's dying, you would do anything to keep my power from expanding. How selfish."

All Might ignored his comment (although, he had to admit, it stung), launching himself at the villain. All For One laughed, easily dodging his charge. "You're getting slower, All Might! In your prime, that hit would've probably hit!"

"Shut up!" All Might knew he shouldn't, especially not during a fight such as this one, but his mind kept drifting towards young Midoriya, and how much agony he must be in. The faster he won this fight, the better. He could take young Midoriya to the hospital as soon as this fight was over.

He just… needed to win.

All For One punched All Might in the gut, pushing him back. The hero coughed, spitting his own blood to his side. He clutched his stomach. He needed to win. To save young Midoriya. That was what heroes did. He remembered his master say something similar to him.

"Win to save, save to win! Never forget that. Okay, Toshi?"

All Might shook his head, wiping away the blood trickling down his chin with the back of his hand. He stared at All For One, the man who had killed her, with furious, crystal blue eyes.

"Do you know who Shigaraki Tomura is?" All For One asked calmly. At All Might's confused gaze, he shook his head ruefully. "Who he truly is."

"Get to the point," All Might demanded, frowning.

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