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A/N: Thank you all so much for all the support on this book! Here's an extra-long chapter! :)

P.s. I forgot to add something crucial, so I had to edit the chapter a little bit. Sorry!


"Join us, Bakugou Katsuki," Shigaraki said, raising his hand in front of Katsuki in a welcoming way.

Who does this fucker think he is, thought Katsuki with a scowl. Him, a hero in training, join the League of Villains?

"Go throw yourself into traffic," he retorted, not bothering to filter his rage. Shigaraki's hand twitched, his narrowed eyes boring holes into the blond as his incense seeped through them.

The television blared in the background, showcasing Aizawa, Nezu and Vlad King in a conference meeting. They looked fancily dressed, Aizawa's hair was even combed back. It was the first time Katsuki had ever seen his teacher look so... formal.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, Shigaraki retracted his hand. "...Dabi," he called firmly, "Take off his restraints."

"I- what?" Dabi blinked dumbly, eyes wide as he whipped his head in Shigaraki's direction.

"If we want him to join us, we shouldn't treat him like a prisoner," Shigaraki stated, closing his eyes as his chest heaved slowly.

"Are you kidding? The kid'll attack me!" Dabi defended himself. Then, he redirected his gaze to Twice, who was standing innocently by his side. "Twice, you do it!"

"Huh?! Why me?" Twice jolted, startled by Dabi's sudden demand.

"Just do it!"

"Fine... No! No way!" Twice said, contradicting himself as usual.

Nervously, the villain sauntered behind Katsuki and started removing the chains wrapped around him. Once removed, the blond stayed still for a moment, head cast down so that his spiky hair would shield his eyes.

"I'll ask again, Bakugou Katsuki," Shigaraki said, more smugly this time, "Join us."

Katsuki shook with rage, shoulders tense and rigid, hands balled into tight fists.

It was too fast for anyone to fully comprehend. Katsuki launched himself forwards, palms extended as he blasted Shigaraki in the face. The severed hand on the villain's face detached itself, falling onto the wooden floor uselessly.

"Shigaraki!" Magne called, voice alarmed as she took a step towards her boss' direction.

Muttering something under his breath, Shigaraki reached down and grabbed the severed hand. The villain looked close to snapping; hands trembling with poorly hidden fury.

Katsuki stood his ground, clenching his fists frustratedly. Narrowing his glowing yellow eyes, Kurogiri gestured Compress towards Katsuki, "Contain him, Compress."

Nodding, the mentioned villain took a step forward, only for Katsuki to instantly back away. "You know, any smart person would've at least pretended to be on our side."

"Get away from me!" Katsuki yelled, eyes wide in horror. His irises shook violently, dreading being captured once more.

Discreetly, his eyes darted to the still-turned-on television, silently pleading that Aizawa would hear his call for help. Alas, his teacher couldn't hear him. Of course he couldn't, what was Katsuki thinking?

Just then, as if the hero-in-training's wishes were being answered, there was a knock on the wooden door beside him. "Pizza Delivery."

Before anyone could even fully process those words, the wall beside them busted down with a loud explosion that could wake a city. A large figure hopped in, and Katsuki could cry in relief at the sight of his childhood hero standing tall in front of him.

Face Me Like An Idiot जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें