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While Izuku was walking towards the preparation room for his class, he bumps into an unsuspecting accomplice.

"Sorry," Izuku attempted to ignore Endeavor by walking past him, but the hero abruptly stopped him.

"You're that Midoriya boy," Endeavor commented. Izuku grimaced and nodded, continuing in his steps. Just ignore him, he isn't worth your time. "Your Quirk is quite impressive. I saw you use it against my Shouto in the cavalry battle."

This made Izuku stop. "Why are you talking to me?" He inclined his head to glare at Endeavor, his patience partially lost.

"Your Quirk is similar to All Might's. So, technically, it is my Shouto's mission to defeat you," Endeavor replied confidently, completely ignoring Izuku's previous question. The green-haired boy's left eye twitched in annoyance as his brows furrowed in anger.

"I am not All Might," Izuku snarled, emerald eyes glinting with malice for the flaming trash displayed in front of him.

"That's obvi–"

"That is obvious, correct?" Izuku continued, smirking at Endeavor's infuriated expression. His smirk was soon replaced by a scowl. "Todoroki-Kun is not you, either."

Endeavor blinked, as if trying to absorb the information he was given. Izuku took this chance to walk away, his blood boiling with rage. Izuku decided to scroll through his phone to avoid killing an innocent soul. Abruptly, he paused in his step and smiled, all his previous anger demolished.

I'm proud of you, Izuku.

If not for the years of emotional control training, Izuku would have broken down in tears just by reading the simple message. He liked to imagine that it was his biological mother who had texted him, but…

That would not be possible.

Izuku shook his head to get away from his thoughts, sending a quick but heartwarming text back.

Thank you. I love you, Mom.

The green-haired boy smiled once more, pocketing his phone and continuing his walk to the preparation room.


"Midoriya Izuku, the boy who has gotten top in every round so far! Versus!" Present Mic announced, pointing towards the other side of the arena. "Shinsou Hitoshi! I actually don't know much about him yet."

Izuku stared at Shinsou with an unreadable expression, as if analysing him. Earlier, the greenette had gotten a warning from Ojirou. The yellow-haired male claimed that Shinsou's Quirk was Brainwashing and would activate whenever someone would talk to him. Izuku took the information to mind, considering the endless possibilities that could occur in his battle.

"Start!" Midnight interrupted Izuku's train of thought before he could start muttering uncontrollably.

Immediately, Shinsou started to speak. "You know, you have such a strong Quirk," Izuku ignored him, stepping forwards. He could see the mild panic in Shinsou's posture as he shifted slightly. "You're really lucky, you know? You're recognised and praised."

It almost made Izuku chuckle at how desperate Shinsou was getting. The purple-haired teen had tried to push him to speak by insulting him or his classmates. It did not really trigger Izuku, but it got him slightly agitated. The greenette was nearing Shinsou, but abruptly paused at a certain comment.

"Bakugou, was it? He was so arrogant. I doubt he'd be a good hero," Izuku knew Shinsou was just messing with him, trying to get him to respond. But he could not help the boiling rage that bubbled in his throat. No one talks about his Katsuki like that.

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