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Katsuki and Iida had entered the building, thus beginning the exercise.

"Oi, four eyes, how many Quirks does Izuku have?" Katsuki asked, not facing Iida. Instead, he was observing his surroundings, hoping to find any clues of where the bomb might be.

"From what I've seen, probably two. One is to produce fire, and the other seems to be a strength enhancer that breaks his bones whenever he uses it. To be honest-" Katsuki ignored everything else the blue-haired male had to say. Why was he so distressed over his relationship with Izuku?

The chihuahua clenched his fists tightly in anger. Why isn't Izuku telling him everything? Weren't they supposed to be best friends forever? ...Perhaps even more?

Katsuki shook his head. Now isn't the time to think about such ridiculous topics.

"I'm going after him," Iida paused his explanation and stared at Katsuki in shock.

"Bakugou, we need to work together! Without teamwork, we'll lose!" Iida pleaded, doing chopping hand movements.

"Shut up. I'm fighting him, whether you like me to or not," With that statement, Katsuki ran off. Iida sighed and continued looking around for the bomb.


Katsuki has been walking around for about three minutes, yet there was still no sign of his best friend. The blond was starting to get aggravated.

"Izuku! Come out and fight me, you stupid nerd!" Katsuki yelled at the top of his lungs. A moment passed, Izuku was still nowhere to be seen. Katsuki growled. "Where are you, bastard!?"

"Right here, Kacchan~"

As soon as he heard that, Katsuki nearly snapped his neck when his head turned to the direction of the voice. Izuku was casually standing at the end of the hallway, smiling innocently with his hands behind his back.

"Hello, Kacchan," Izuku greeted, bowing with a hand on his chest. Why wasn't he attacking?

"What's your plan?" Izuku giggled at the blond's question, making him fume with anger.

"A villain never reveals his secrets, Katsuki," Katsuki felt a shiver run up his spine when he heard Izuku say his first name.

It was silent for a few moments. Then suddenly, Izuku charged full-speed towards Katsuki. Taken by surprise, Katsuki's eyes widened as he threw a right hook. Izuku managed to grab his fist and elbow, dragging his feet a full 180° before slamming his opponent onto the ground. The air in Katsuki's lungs escaped as he let out a gasp. The blond tried to get up, only for Izuku to step on his head and push it back down onto the ground.

"I suggest you-" Izuku was interrupted by Katsuki blasting a large explosion onto the floor, shooting himself up. Izuku was forced to jump away as to avoid getting injured. "That was rude, Kacchan,"

"I don't give a freckle," Katsuki coughed as his rubbed his cheek, where there was a bruise forming.

Izuku felt some sort of bullet pierce his soul when he saw Katsuki injured. He let down his guard and jogged towards the blond.

"Kacchan, are you all right!? I'm so-" His gift for being worried for his opponent; an explosion to the face.

"That- that was well-deserved," Izuku admitted, covering his nose as blood trickled past his lips. As Katsuki tried to land another hit, Izuku jumped away.

"What happened to your telekinesis, huh?" Katsuki growled with a scowl.

Izuku felt not only blood, but sweat trickle down his face as well.

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