kth | by the shore (preview)

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Hello friends! This is a preview of a story that appeared to me in a dream. I will be updating weekly, hopefully. You can check the rest of the chapters on my profile.

Genre: friends to enemies to lovers, childhoodbestfriend!tae, first person reader

Synopsis: Taehyung and Syd's parents are best friends, so they became best friends not by choice. Now they're adults, they're once stronger than siblings bond might be slipping through their fingers without any of them realizing.



Taehyung took my first kiss in an abandoned space near our school laboratory. It smelled like rats and oils and the rotten coleslaw that Mrs. Lane throws over from the back of the cafeteria. It wasn't as great as how it was described in books and movies.

He was doing his own thing without regards nor instructions to me. I haven't even practiced on my hand and here he was pulling me to the back of this slaughter and moulding his lips against mine like a careless douche.

When it was over and his dumb face finally corrupts my mind, regret didn't wash over the feeling. I was sort of content with how we were both alone and how the aftertaste of his lips was apple juice. In this light, I wanted him to be more than just my friend.

"Now, don't tell Lacey," he demands, putting both hands on each of my shoulders and shaking me.

I nod. "Who's Lacey?"

"Dude, come on. She's my girlfriend. Have you forgotten?"

Then I remembered why he pulled me from the hall before Marc Dacus finishes changing in the locker room. I asked Taehyung how to kiss. He snickered before asking me if I brushed my teeth today. Kim Taehyung had the nerve to ask me a silly question. For all I could recall from our shared childhood memories, Taehyung hated brushing his teeth ever since we were babies sharing a tub.

"Good luck with Marc. See you at the bakery."

When I saw him jog away from me to the halls and to the crowd as he disappeared, I wanted to see that familiar blue bag that he carries on his back once more. Maybe he changed his mind. Maybe he realized he knew me more than he knew Lacey. Maybe he will remember that one time I gave him my sandwich when he had nothing to eat during kindergarten. And that none in one of those memories included Lacey in it.

Marc Dacus walks out of the hallway all fresh and smiles but his lips did not resemble Taehyung's perfect cupid's bow. I used to want to kiss Marc Dacus, but now I just wanted to know him like I know Taehyung. But is that even possible?

In the weirdest comparison I could put it, I'm familiar with Taehyung as I am with my mom. I don't know if Taehyung had this realization before. We are close knit and tight and unbreakable. I didn't share my first birthday cake slice to Marc, I shared it with Taehyung. That's a special kind of bond and you cannot replace that.

But I don't know. Maybe you could. My mom replaced Dad with Anthony and although I didn't share my first piano lessons with Anthony, I still had come to love him. I just wouldn't call him Dad. I love him but he will never be Dad, like Marc Dacus will never be Taehyung.

Marc takes my hand and walked around school with me. His cold hands encasing my little fingers. There were electric waves in my body and I thought in that moment, Taehyung could never give that to me. I will remember this 'till the day I die, I swear. I will jot it down my diary the moment I get home, the day I held hands with Marc Dacus. The all fresh and smiles Marc Dacus with the cool side-swept blond hair and camel lashes. I could see myself in his blue eyes and I don't think I've ever seen anything like it, so blue and real and close.

"You have very nice hair," he tells me and my stomach flipped.

"Thank... s." I was still lost in his beauty and I didn't think he would be more when he smiled a half-smile.

I may be in love now. It's been three months since I had a crush on him and I feel like this might be true.

Taehyung had teased me on it: falling in love quickly. I never saw the flaw in that. Really, I can't see why it's a funny thing. Falling in love is seeing the beauty in everyone, what could be so bad that Taehyung thinks it's stupid?

I love many things and only dislike certain stuff like sesame seeds and pickles. But I still love burgers. I love sandwiches. I love everything my mom makes for my lunch. Loving makes me happy. I love things. Even when sesame seeds are on burgers, I can just remove the bad parts and fall in love with burgers.

I heard this from the tv playing in the living room while my dad tried to keep me focused in perfecting Ode to Joy on the piano.

"Love many things," was all I could remember and I don't know what show it's from. There were following words, but I didn't understand them well.

So whenever Taehyung makes fun of that part of me, I remember that quote playing in the background while Ode to Joy plays in my mind.

"I love your eyes," I compliment him back and he chuckled and we walked to History. I lied, because I love very many things about him and I think I'll freak him out like Taehyung said.

"Don't ever, I mean ever, say 'I love you' to Marc. He's going to laugh at your face!" Then Taehyung laughed at my face.

I really wanted to tell him I love him, but not before we kiss yet. How could Taehyung be so sure that Marc will laugh at my face? What if Marc feels the same? Doesn't he feel that way with Lacey?

Aside from talking about Die Hard and Transformers, he only ever talks about Lacey. And my evenings with him at the bakery are composed of hearing those three things. It's tiring to listen to him, but it's Taehyung. I have to listen to him like I do to my mom. Because he's like my older brother and mom said I should respect him. So I do, and even when he doesn't care about what I say, I always try and keep up with him.

Tonight, Marc is coming with me to Dana's house and although he wasn't invited to the sleepover, Dana agreed he could stay to watch one movie. I love Dana's taste in movies, she reminds me of my dad. I wish they had met.

Maybe after we finish Night of the Living Dead, I could pull Marc Dacus into the kitchen and kiss him there, reckless and with no regards, and tell him that I love him. I just hope Taehyung's not right. I hope he doesn't laugh at my face. I really hope not, because I want a good page for my diary.

We break apart in History as we both took a seat across from each other. His eyes disappear as he smiled. Marc Dacus, you are beautiful.

But I'm sorry you're not my first kiss.

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