kth | i.c.y.m.i.

8.2K 93 17

Words: 4k
Genres: crack, roommate!taehyung, f2l, smut, taehyung is a horndog, sub!reader
Warnings: language, masturbation, degradation, voyeurism, big DICK tae :P, sexting
Synopsis: Your roommate Taehyung is on a cruise trip and you're home after a long day from work and he is asking for a favor.

A/N: there was a suggestion i write the lower jimin smut but with taehyung so why not? in case you liked "lower", parkmuse on tumblr has very good selections of smuts mainly jikook and you should give them the love.

It is much more relaxing without Taehyung's constant blasting of Bing Crosby's music. It was good, but after a few weeks or so of his repetitive playlist, it got old. He would also put the LED to a bright yellow as though to "lighten the mood". But it was clear as day that he only does it to cover up the sounds of him fucking himself next room.

He's gone for a three day trip to Monterey Bay and today was his second day in the cruise he had been bragging about on his Instagram story. You might've pressed on it hundreds of times and the story still has more slides to go. Whatever though, today has been the most relaxing day since you moved in with him.

Before the repetitive six-song playlist of Bing Crosby, Taehyung spends the time of your being home yelling at some show on ESPN. And before that phase, he often invited Jimin and Jin to the apartment and the traces of their having fun reeks 'till morning. It was gross the way they acted like boys. They would fight over his PS5 and then get drunk right after, during those mornings, you had to endure the smell of unfinished Cheetos and salad dressings left open.

You told him to never invite his friends over on Fridays, because that was your long bath day where you get all fancy and bring some wine into the bathtub and play quiet music. It wasn't easy convincing him, he had always been kind of a self-absorbed asshole whose personality got stuck in high school.

"Hey, I'm kind of tired of hearing you and your friends play loudly whenever I'm trying to sleep on Fridays... so could you maybe lessen their visits here?"

He blows a raspberry. "What do you mean? We whisper for the sake of you. We weren't being loud."

"Oh, right. Why am I aware of noobangel79 having the hottest voice for a Fortnite player then? Care to explain, Tae?"

He licks his lips trying to come up with an excuse. "Well, if you would stop being a killjoy, maybe you could play with us and finally hear her voice. She sounds so hot."

This time, you blow the raspberry but keep your cool. "I don't really care, Tae. Just please don't invite them on Fridays because Friday is my scheduled long bath and sleep day."

He gives a lengthy sigh. "Okay, you win."

"I wasn't really competi-"

"You win. I won't invite them anymore." He shuts his door with a loud thud.

After a successful week of not inviting his friends over, he had invited a girl. And God, did you regret ever telling him to never invite his friends again on Fridays. When Taehyung brings girls home, he is carefree and he is reckless. The worst part, he is fully aware of your presence, but to your luck, you were always too tired to notice or bother.

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