myg | interesting

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A/n: idek anymore what the hell was this ?!?!

Synopsis: The quiet boy with the mischievous smile, Min Yoongi, attends at a casual family reunion. A week with him? Sure, you can handle that. But to share a room with that mysterious prick for a whole month is something else.


Mrs. Min invited you for a month out at a beach somewhere in the west and who are you to decline such offer? Shes good at cooking and you don't see any downside in joing her family vacation aside from her asshole son who happened to have bumped into you in the university cafeteria resulting to your stained shirt.

He didn't apologize. Youre sure he laughed during the encounter and disappeared in the crowd. You saw him again later in the library as the night falls, busy with the annual research with his colleagues that they submit for the state science fair. They won a few times but even in their losses, they gain a lot of benefits just for being smartasses.

Namjoon, his tall charming friend you share Cognitive Psychology with, has been eyeing you since you arrived. He would whisper to Yoongi and then the whole group would laugh. You have tried hiding your face in your statistics book but their laugh only grew. Son of a bitch.

You had thought of going over there and telling them quietly to shut the fuck up, but your confrontations with Yoongi always end up one sided. He doesn't budge to make a reply, he would just look at you in disgust and then leave you hanging for an answer why he's such an asshole.

When did this stupid silent feud even start?

You vaguely remember Yoongi from your childhood. You met him during your dad's birthday when you were six and you have always thought he was a far relative, but you soon found out he was just the son of your dad's friend. Every year on your dad's birthday, he would be forced to come and you get to sit across him during dinner. You never talked to him and he never talked to you, mostly because you were both swallowed by the Nintendo phenomenon.

At sixteen, when your dad had passed, the last time you saw him at your house was during his wake. After your eulogy with sobs and snots, he knocked on your door and said his first word and last word to you.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

He never talked to you ever again. Just constant smirks and smiles whenever he and his friends would chat about you whether it d be in the cafeteria or in the library.

Youve grown to try and dismiss whatever hes on about. In all honesty, what hes doing seems like high school bullying and you dont have time for that.

Today was the last day before the sem break and although it should be your time to celebrate, you had a lot of research to write and one of your colleagues just had a massive breakthrough that really entertained your professor. Bummer.

You also have to pack for the week off with Yoongi's family. Yoongi's mother never specified where this bitch was but you assumed it's in California somewhere. This wasn't new, being invited to their family trips have always been around since your father passed. And Yoongi's parents have always treated you like theirs, even his brother acted like an older sibling to you. It was just Yoongi who was always the odd one out.

Dinner? No. He never comes out of his room to have dinner with everyone. He would wait until everyone's gone and then he would eat. Swimming? Yeah, he's not a big fan of diving into public pools during the day, and he would always wait until three in the morning when the pool is quiet and empty.

The worst part is...

You were exactly like him. Not a big fan of the crowd and more of a private person. And during those early hours in the morning you find each other grabbing a box of cereal to eat in the empty dining room or a towel to go swimming. And Mrs. Min had always thought you were the best of friends because you two were so similar.

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