Chapter 34 - Melting Snow

Start from the beginning

"Don't be cliché." Lucius said quietly before he pecked Noah's lips then stood up, wiping his own tears.

"Where are you going?" Noah asked.

"You are full of questions today." Lucius said as he walked up to one window in particular where he saw someone seated on the other side of it. He reached it and knocked, watching as Wyatt reached for the hook to open the window before shivering at the cold breeze. "Come out."

"I can't walk, Lucius." Wyatt said with a frown.

Lucius rolled his eyes before he glanced inside the room, his eyes meeting Cylus's as he said, "Bring him outside. He needs a change."

"Liam will kill us." Cylus said, already getting to his feet.

"Boredom will kill you first if you stayed in there." Lucius said, going back to where Noah was.

"What are you up to?" Noah asked.

"We should play in the snow, you know, while it is still here." Lucius shrugged.

"Are you sure you are alright? You seem to not really care." Noah noted, seeing the nonchalant look on Lucius's face.

"I'm fine. Just feeling a bit sad that the seasons are changing." Lucius answered, his eyes turning to the house at the sound of the balcony door in the library opening.

"Are you sure you don't need another jacket? It's really cold." Cylus was saying as he walked towards Lucius and Noah with Wyatt in his arms.

"I'm fine."

"He's fine. Will the two of you stop nagging? God, make us feel like you are our mothers, why don't you?" Lucius said with a heavy sigh. Cylus settled Wyatt down, taking a blanket from him before spreading it and helping Wyatt onto it instead of the icy ground.

"What's wrong with you?" Cylus asked Lucius.

"Does something have to be wrong with me every time I say something that I usually don't?" Lucius demanded.

"Yes." Cylus and Noah both answered at once. Lucius rolled his eyes before sitting next to Wyatt.

"If you don't like it then just leave us be. Stop making me angry." Lucius said before he asked Wyatt, "How about we build a snowman?"

"What is that?" Wyatt asked.

"It's so sad that you have to ask." Lucius said before he started to ball some snow between his palms, slowly adding to it before he placed it in front of the blanket, telling Wyatt to start doing the same. Cylus handed Wyatt the gloves in his jacket pocket when he saw them turning red, smiling at how excited he got as Lucius explained to him how it would eventually look. They kept at it, adding a few layers, Wyatt leaning against it as he pulled himself to his feet when Lucius and Noah placed the final part on top of the pile. He added pebbles for the eyes, then smaller ones to draw a smile as Lucius grabbed twigs for the nose and arms.

"It's amazing." Wyatt laughed, "It actually looks like a man."

"Hence the name." Lucius chuckled, taking off his jacket and placing it on the snowman.

"Lucius, you need that more than it does." Noah scolded as Lucius took off his scarf next and wrapped it around the snowman. "Lu, you'll get sick."

"Oh quiet." Lucius said before stepping back to admire their work, helping Wyatt as well so they'd look at it together.

"This is brilliant." Wyatt said, "But he is right, you will fall ill."

"Never mind that." Lucius said as he helped Wyatt down onto the blanket before he went to Noah, sitting in his lap, "Will you stop fussing about everything?"

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